
For Dry Skin

Many of the commercial products promoted as dry skin remedies are quite expensive. If you have very dry, flaky skin and are on a limited budget, you’ll be happy to know there are natural ingredients you can find at your health food store or grocery store that are quite effective in treating dry flaky skin. Here are some natural ingredients that that can be used to heal dry skin:

Ginko Biloba

Not only does ginko biloba help to increase the skin’s level of moisture, it also improves circulation to the skin’s surface, giving it a soft, healthy glow. It also has firming properties that can give your face a more youthful appearance.


Honey has very strong moisturizing and healing properties. You can make a honey mask for healing very dry, flaky skin by applying honey directly to the skin and leaving it on your dry skin for fifteen minutes before rinsing it off. Honey is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Olive oil

Olive oil is an expensive, but effective, emollient that helps to maintain moisture on the skin’s surface. It’s also highly effective as a scalp moisturizer and treatment for dry hair.

Macadamia Nut Oil

This is another natural oil that can be purchased from your health food store and used to treat dry, flaky skin. It contains the highest level of palmitoleic acid of any of the plants oils. Palmitoleic acid helps to soften and condition dry, flaky, cracked skin. It can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with other skin care products to make them more effective.


Avocado is a highly effective, all natural way to smooth and moisturize dry skin. It’s also a rich source of vitamins and lecithin. Try pureeing the meat of a fresh avocado in your blender. Mix it with a little lemon juice and egg. Apply this mixture to your skin and leave on for fifteen minutes. When you remove it, your dry skin will feel smooth and supple.

Apricot Oil

Apricots are a rich source of a variety of healthy oils and vitamin A which are effective for treating dry skin. Apply apricot oil directly to the skin after cleansing. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and gently wipe off any residual film. Your dry, flaky skin will feel smoother and smoother immediately.

Shea butter

Shea butter can be found in most health food stores at a reasonable price. It’s a natural fat extracted from the seed of the karate tree. It’s also a highly effective treatment for dry, flaky skin. To heal dry skin, apply a thin layer of shea butter every morning after cleansing in the same manner you’d apply a moisturizer. You’ll be giving your skin the benefits of natural oils and vitamins to aid in the healing of your dry skin.

As you can see, you don’t need to buy expensive dry skin creams with designer labels to heal dry skin.
These simple natural dry skin remedies are as close as your kitchen.

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Another great inexpensive product is JoJoba Oil. I use it every day as a face and body moisturizer. It makes a great night cream too. After you apply the oil and you have a bit left over on your hands, rub it into your hair. Works great and leaves your hair with a natural shine. You can find it at most health food stores but you'll get the best price at Super Nutrition on Main St.

Lisa Bentsen

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