
To Stop Your Divorce

When couples are on the verge of a divorce, serious events have already taken place. Maybe each of your needs haven't been met and you don't feel like there is a way to resolve these issues. If children are involved it's even more important to try and save your marriage instead of just rushing into a divorce. Here are some things you may want to consider.

1. The most important first step is deciding if your marriage is really worth saving. Any relationship can be saved with a lot of hard work but both parties must make that decision that their relationship is worth working for.

2. Both parties really need to be committed if they want to save their marriage. It can't be based on convenience or just to remain married because of the children.

3. Identify the problems in your relationship. Let's say a partner has strayed and had an affair. The affair is just the symptom, not the cause. The cause may actually be lack of intimacy. You really have to dig deep and resolve the problems themselves.

4. Once you have identified the main problems in your relationship you can now begin to discuss your feelings. This means that both of you need to sit down and take the time to talk these problems through. Because you both once loved each other, you should understand who they are as a person and respect their feelings while discussing these issues. This isn't a time to lay blame but a time to improve your relationship.

5. Once you have identified the main problems and started discussing them, it's now time to create an action plan to solve these problems.
If you aren't spending enough time together, plan a date night once a week. If communicating is the problem, set aside 15 minutes each day to just talk to each other. If intimacy is the problem, come up with exciting new ways to make your relationship more intimate and explore those areas.

6. The last step is realizing that in order to make a relationship work, it's an ongoing process. You will make mistakes but as long as you take the time to discuss whatever problems you are having, you can continue to move forward. Always remember why you fell in love to begin with. Don't be quick to blame, instead apologize. Remember that your marriage is worth saving.

I hope these 6 ways to stop a divorce have helped. Marriage is a sacred commitment and should not be taken lightly. If there is any way for it to be saved, you should at least give your partner that consideration. Divorce is such a final parting so be sure before you take that step.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/divorce-articles/6-ways-to-stop-a-divor...: Adrienne Smith About the Author: Adrienne Smith is a work at home business owner but also a woman who enjoys helping others mend their relationships. Love definitely makes the world go round so when you've gone through a breakup, sometimes you just need to learn how you can resolve those problems. To find out how to make that happen, I invite you to click here NOW! You won't regret your decision.

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Yes, a loss of intimacy is often at the core of relationship problems. Yet few of us really know how to create and maintain intimacy, or even what it means. I like to think of intimacy as into-me-see - allowing your partner to see you, to connect with you. It's natural for me to appreciate and seek out that type of intimacy. Some people, like my husband and many other men, feel most comfortable being intimate when sexual intimacy is involved. See Honoring the Male Perspective.

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