
Friends and colleagues,

Since I consider you all to be leaders in our industry, I wanted to let you know about an event coming up in Tampa this month that's made for just such a crowd. A group of the most influential people from our local tech community are coming together to share new ideas and high-level discussions at a large-scale, 2-day conference. Well, actually I suppose it's considered an "un-conference."

The event is called Bar Camp. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the name on a national scale — it's a franchise of sorts that runs in every corner of the U.S. in different regards. Its an opportunity to share, talk shop and learn from other designers and developers, and other innovators and inventors, other people who are as passionate as you are about what they do and what they build.

How does an unconference work?

People show up first thing in the morning to sign up for speaking posts, and that's when the schedule is set.

As for the event held here in Tampa , you may or may not know it's one of the more highly regarded among those. Last year's event resulted in at least two mentions on TechCrunch. Topics included iPhone apps, Adobe AIR, Flash, FLEX, WinBatch, Python, Ruby, Ning, Erlang, Django, PHP... quite a selection of technologies and speakers.

I hope you'll consider attending — and I hope you plan to share your expertise. Our city, our talent, and our companies being recognized nationally, even globally, starts with the kind of community growth and empowerment that this event is all about.

Bar Camp Tampa Bay

September 26 & 27

September 26 Technology Day September 27 Media Day/ AdTech Day

9am — 6pm (speaker signup at 9am) 10am-5pm (speaker signup 10am)

USF College of Business - Tampa, FL

(Suggested donation: $20)


One of the developers who plans to speak at the conference, a gentleman named Barry Ezell, created a FREE app to track the speakers throughout the day at the event. I highly recommend you download it here to prepare for the big day: http://bit.ly/1aegmb

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