It’s easy to get too aggressive with the tweezers and remove a few too many eyebrow hairs. The reality is that it can take up to two months for overplucked eyebrows to grow back, so you may be dealing with your new look for quite a while. The good news is unless you’ve completely shaved off an eyebrow, there are ways to remedy the situation. Here’s how to fix overplucked eyebrows.
Put Away the Tweezers
When you’ve overplucked your eyebrows, it’s easy to add insult to injury by plucking more hair in a desperate attempt to make things better. Put the tweezers away unless your eyebrows are grossly uneven. Chances are you’ll do ever more damage if you continue plucking. Instead use an eyelash brush to comb the remaining hairs into place so you can better assess the damage.
After Overplucking Eyebrows, Fill in the Damage
The best way to fix overplucked eyebrows is to use an eyeliner pencil in a color that’s one shade lighter than your natural eyebrows. Use light, feathery strokes to apply it to the areas that have been overplucked. Resist the urge to use a heavy hand. You can always go back and fill in more color later if you’re not satisfied with the initial application. Choosing a color that’s too dark or applying it with heavy strokes will create a harsh look that’s too unnatural.
Once you’ve filled in both eyebrows, move to a window and inspect your work under natural light. Can you see where you’ve applied the color? If it doesn’t look natural, you’ll need to start over again. If you notice gaps, use an eyeshadow brush to dab brow powder in the same shade as your liner onto the areas that need it. Now that you have the damage covered, be patient. It takes time to grow back overplucked eyebrows.
How to Prevent Future Problems
Most people need some guidance when shaping their eyebrows to reduce the risk of overplucking. It may be worth the money to let a professional pluck and establish a natural looking brow line you can maintain at home. It’s less challenging when you only have to remove the re-growth.
If you don’t want to spend the money on a professional, consider using an eyebrow stencil. If you haven’t discovered the convenience of eyebrow stencils, you’re in for a surprise. They provide an easy to use blueprint for shaping eyebrows evenly. You can even get eyebrow stencils in the shape of your favorite celebrity eyebrows. If you’re in a hurry, there are sites where you can print out online eyebrow stencils on your printer and use them right away.
The Take Home Message
Eyebrows take time to grow back, so it’s best to use a stencil or let a professional give you guidance if you’re unsure of the shape you want. Thick, full eyebrows look stunning anyway, so lighten up on the tweezers.
By Dr. Kristie