
The subject of the law of attraction has become wildly popular over the last several years. This is not a new concept, but has been rediscovered thanks to the awesome marketing efforts of the movie 'The Secret' and other books and media published since. Simply put, the law of attraction states that like attracts like, and thoughts become things. This concept works all the time, no matter what, just like the law of gravity.

Thoughts Become Things
There have been publications written on the power of the mind, and the role of the thoughts in creation and manifesting for years, some dating back to the 1800s and probably before. Thoughts are said to create a vibrational energy that cannot be seen, but attracts like circumstances which match the vibration of the thought. In other words, the quality of our thoughts will bring about circumstances, situations and physical proof that like does in fact attract like. The law of attraction works whether one is thinking thoughts which are negative or positive. If you are constantly worried about money, and you continually describe how you never have enough, the law of attraction will bring about more of the same situation for you. However, if you focus on that which makes you feel happy, secure and abundant, the law of attraction will match this feeling and energy as well, providing you with more of the same. This is how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Changing Old Beliefs
Beliefs are not necessarily truths. This is one of the first concepts you will need to master before the law of attraction will begin to work positively in your life. Old beliefs and habits of thinking must change if you are not experiencing the wonderful abundance of money, prosperity, health and happiness that we are each destined to enjoy. If you believe that you are fat, this is not a truth, but rather a perspective. The same goes for rich and poor. These terms are relative and the beliefs associated are based upon your perspective. Thankfully, perspective is a very easy thing to change. Let's use the example of money. If you feel poor, all you need to do is think of those who are starving, living in a homeless shelter or who have lost most of their possessions in a fire or natural disaster. You will soon realize, with some self-awareness practice, that you are rich in many areas of your life. Recognition of these riches is the gateway to using the law of attraction to your advantage.

Manifesting Your Desires
There are many critics of the power of the law of attraction. Once informed, it will be easy for you to see the negative trends contained in a critic's thoughts. Criticism is unnecessary and simply creates more of a similar energy. It doesn't matter whether a person chooses to 'believe' in the law of attraction or not. Upon careful inspection of any way of life, it is easy to spot patterns that contribute to the manifestations promised by this universal law. One of the faltering points for many is the struggle with believing in abundance, and focusing thoughts upon gratitude when personal reality seems a contradiction. How is it possible to believe money will manifest when there's not enough to pay the bills? This is a major roadblock for most, but can easily be overcome with a few simple exercises.

Exercises for Using the Law of Attraction
Positive affirmations work wonders when utilized and repeated often. If you convince yourself that abundance flows freely into your life, and you are healthy, and beautiful and secure, you will begin to see signs of those things coming into your life. The subconscious mind is a powerful tool, and once these positive thoughts have been repeated and felt enough times, they will become new beliefs in the mind. Radiating such positivity will attract more of the same into your life, thus proving the law of attraction exists, is real and works each and every time.

by Jeannie Pitt

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With all due respect, to state:

"There are many critics of the power of the law of attraction. Once informed, it will be easy for you to see the negative trends contained in a critic's thoughts. Criticism is unnecessary and simply creates more of a similar energy."

implies that this "law" is not open to discussion, examination, or debate. I cannot tell you the number of clients I have seen over the years who have a sort of "rebound" depression because of the HUGE flaw of this position.

Now -- I am an enthusiastic supporter of creating an affirmative perception of one's life. I teach and practice both mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The First of the Buddha's Noble Truths is "life is suffering." Suffering comes and goes. Wealth, physical attraction, love, even life itself comes & goes.

Not attaching to any present state is the path of liberation from suffering. "Liberation from suffering" - isn't that what we want in life? Unpleasant events will inevitably come. What capacities we have to deal with those events, authentically, in real time, are what will determine the ease with which we deal with life.

The Buddha taught to abandon all teachings, to see none of them as "Truth." To hold "thus proving the law of attraction exists, is real and works each and every time" is a position that promotes more suffering.

But then, maybe any who read this can just dismiss this position as "uninformed." Or, maybe, we can have a real discussion about the helpful AND unhelpful lessons from our various teachings, including those of Buddha & The Secret.

Respectfully --

Betsy Nelson, LCSW
I would agree with both of you, and I guess I am somewhere in the middle. It is important to be grateful, and put forth our dreams. I believe that clarity of thought helps to drive that laser beam which helps us manifest. But as a body oriented psychotherapist and inspirational entertainer, I have found that people who have not evolved to such a place, of manifesting their thoughts, feel a great disappointment when things don't happen right away. They apply the rules, but they really have not cleared themselves out so to speak. The body mind knows and doesn't communicate with itself on so many levels, that it is important to have that willingness to wait and allow. I would say, thoughts, words, actions, and ALLOWING, and sometimes simplicity of thought, can miraculously bring about change. Also respectfully, Diana Vytell, MS, LPC,CRS

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