Being born on the cusp of Libra has given me an incredible ability to be calm, peaceful and balanced in my life. That's the good news. The even better news is that I am so infused with Virgo organizational skills that I have discovered within myself an extraordinary gift that allows me to accomplish all kinds of challenging projects! Yes, I have found that I love to keep busy with meaningful tasks, but somehow can take the time to maintain a loving and positive attitude.
I am blessed with a husband who is truly magical in so many ways. His gift to me has been his positive attitude which somehow surpasses my own. Our kids (three boys, one mine and two his, bring joy to our lives. They have brought us 3 beautiful daughters--in-law and our grandkids, Gus and Brooke!
Interests and Hobbies
I am passionate about healthy lifestyle choices, organic foods, and healing the body naturally. I embrace so many different modalities of healing and am open to just about anything that keeps me free of prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
I love my Pandora style beads business. I import, wholesale and retail the beads at prices that are irresistible and exceptional! I also take great pride in having done the website myself (from a template, but it was definitely a challenge which I seem to thrive on).
I enjoy scrapbooking as my creative art outlet. The rest of my creativity seems to be in the business world and that balance suits me just fine.
Website and local sales of Pandora style beads
High School?
South Side Senior High School, Rockville Centre, NY
Ohio State University
Favorite Movies, TV?
Chapter Two
Dances with Wolves
Desperate Beauty
Under the Tuscan Sun
Brothers and Sisters
Hi -- "Welcome to WQ Magazine!!!" Enjoy my gift to you. I've been painting images of my visions since age three. Let us become friends while networking through this site.
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Truly, JackPlease take a listen to my video at and visit my web sites. God bless!