
Kim Hill's Blog – October 2009 Archive (5)

Foot Detox- Say What!!

What is a Detox foot bath?

Ionic Body Cleanse - a gentle and effective way to detoxify, cleanse and balance the body by drawing the impurities out of the body through the feet. As your feet soak in the ionic foot bath, your body will undergo an amazing cleanse of years worth of stored toxins.

How is this possible?

The Ionic Cleanse treatment works by osmosis. The ionater which is placed in the foot bath releases ions through the water and into your… Continue

Added by Kim Hill on October 13, 2009 at 8:43am — No Comments

Acne and your teen by Kim Hill

Almost 95% of the teenagers suffer from teenage acne at some point or other, regardless of color, sex, etc. So if your teen is one of them, they are definitely not alone. Teenage acne is due to the release of hormones during puberty. The hormones lead to the release of sebum from the sebaceous glands. This gets clogged in pores and promotes the growth of bacteria. This causes swelling and redness accompanied by pus.

People with oily skin will have severe acne when compared to those with… Continue

Added by Kim Hill on October 7, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Do you suffer with dry skin? Some useful tips

If you deal with dry skin on a regular basis, you might think it's a problem you'll always have to deal with. If that's the case, you're wrong! You may be committing some of the easiest skin care sins to fix.

Dry skin isn't mandatory, no matter the season or the location. There are easy things that you can change in your daily routine that will make a big difference to the health of your skin.

Follow these 5 dry skin remedies and see how quickly your skin makes a turn-around.

1.… Continue

Added by Kim Hill on October 6, 2009 at 7:25pm — No Comments

Finally Organic products we can afford...

Sakiro Skin & Body is happy to announce the introduction of Aubrey's Organics. We all want to do what is best for ourselves and our environment but sometimes our wallets just don't stretch that far. Well we found a great company that has great products and are a reasonable price too.

From skincare, body care, deodorants, haircare,baby products, soaps, sunscreens,even petcare at prices we can afford. You get the picture!!

Aubrey;s Organics trial face and body kits are just… Continue

Added by Kim Hill on October 5, 2009 at 3:43pm — 2 Comments

What's in your products??? Read on.................


By choosing organic, and natural products and foods , you avoid ingesting harmful chemicals and other potential toxins. Science shows that what you put on your body is absorbed into your bloodstream, in quantities as high as 60-80%, careful research of the ingredients in your personal care products, which are unregulated in the U.S. will help you to live a much healthier livestyle.

The following ingredients, which are commonly found in many…

Added by Kim Hill on October 4, 2009 at 8:43am — No Comments



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