
The guy you've recently begun dating asks you over for dinner. Face it, what he really wants to make is not dinner; it's whoopee! It's the oldest trick in The Lazy Man's Guide to Seduction. He doesn't have to lure you. You're already there, steps away from his bedroom. And if you reject him, he doesn't even have to bother to spend any more time with you. You've got your own car so you can drive yourself home. But he's counting on the odds that you'll feel obligated to oblige after he went through all that trouble to make dinner. And believe me, he did his prep work. Women shave their legs before dates; men wash their sheets before cooking dinner. (Wasn't it dishes he was supposed to be washing?!)

Why don't guys just say "It's about time we had sex. Come on over and let's get it over with." Because the minute he says "I'll make you dinner," the spontaneity of seduction is lost.

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Comment by larry forgard on May 14, 2009 at 11:24pm
Not always true.....Maybe this person is a giver. Have you thought of that?
Comment by Carissa on May 14, 2009 at 4:53pm
No, who is Warfield?
Comment by Angela on May 14, 2009 at 1:13pm
Warfield, is that you??



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