
FAQ's: Are you having problems signing up for the Freebie Giveaway?

A few people have had problems signing up for the giveaway. This issue seems to be a cookie issue where when you click on the giveaway you are signed out and therefore cannot reply. I believe this is an isolated issue. However I found a way around it.

If you are having this problem.

1) Sign in again. Once you are signed in Go to #2 Below. (you know you are signed in by looking in the top right hand corner, if you are signed in.... the "sign out" option appears next to your name).

2) Rather than click on a hyperlink use the one of the following 2 ways to go to the giveaway page.
A) Click on Articles and go to the Giveaway. OR
B) Click on the "Freebie Getaway for 2" On the Rotating Board on the home page. The Rotating Board is just below the Home button, It is the large purple section that has articles and videos that rotate. The Freebie giveaway is #1 today on the rotating board. Both of these ways should not sign you out and you should be able to reply.

3) We are currently working to correct this issue.

Please email me if you still need help. kimz@wqmag.com

Kim Fowler

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