
With the slower econony it's time to be creative in how we spend. Yes "Thrift is Back in Vogue"

~~~Key point, we still have to spend or there is "No Economy".
~~~Which brings me to the second key point; "Do not borrow to spend".
~~~"Live with in your means".

1. Shop the Farmers Markets or Flea Markets, Great Deals.
Just about anything you need can be found here at great deals, from vegetables, apparel, furniture, etc.... When you shop at farmers markets you put the money directly into the hands of another local individual.

2. Buy from Consignment stores.
There are many different kinds of consignment stores. Some consign clothing, others may sell local arts and crafts. Generally the owners and consignors are local thus keeping the profits close to home.

3. Support your Local Mom and Pop Restaurants.
This supports local jobs, and most likely other local wholesale businesses where they get their products from.

4. Plant a Vegetable Garden.
It's rewarding to eat the veggies that come from your own garden. It will help you save some money.

5. Raise Chickens.
I have one hen and she gives me a egg a day. So you decide how many hens that you need. She is a great pet too. Her name is "Piper" She follows me everywhere.

6. If you are buying "NEW"
Then support your local economy by buying things made there. It is less expensive, No shipping involved.

7. Shop at local independent stores (not chains).
Independent stores spend their profits locally.

8. Support local service industries.
Tip your waitress, Dog groomer, Cabbie, or Hairdresser. Local servers taking your money means some of that will remain local, and will come back to you eventually. Help the economy by helping others to get by too. The spirit of giving comes back 10 fold.

9. Shop at garage sales.
You get a great deal and you are helping another family economically.

10. Share
If you have an abundance and know a family struggling clean out your closet, attic, etc... and share with them. Invite them to a meal. There is more joy in giving than there is in receiving.

I work from home too, it makes that extra cash that my family needs in this slow economy. Website


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