

Hi! Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with breast cancer?

I am on the committee for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event. We have recently started a new program called Adopt-A-Fundraiser. When you Adopt-A-Fundraiser you are adopting a walker! You are helping your walker raise money by either donating a portion of your sales proceeds for a day/week/month or you are asking your friends and family to donate to your adopted walker! By adopting a walker you do not have to walk! Of course, you can walk if you want too!

If you are interested in participating for this amazing event please contact me! If you are unable to participate in this manner, then we can talk to figure out a way for you to participate!! There are a ton of ways! Join a team, Start a team, volunteer at an event... the list goes on!!

The Making Strides events is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society gives back to our local community (Sarasota/Manatee County) for cancer survivors!! The walk is a 5K at is held at the Sarasota Polo Club.

The event is Saturday, October 24th. Go to the events calendar on this site or for more details or the website:

We appreciate your consideration in our drive to save lives!!
Thank you!!

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Comment by Sarah Wakefield on July 22, 2009 at 1:56pm
Actually I am a Mary Kay consultant as well with the Pink Studios and a few of us have discussed doing something as well! Thank you!
Comment by June McEldowney on July 22, 2009 at 11:22am
I have a client that I am sponsoring but I love the idea! Mary Kay Cosmetics is an advocate for breast cancer awareness & we will be doing a fundraiser sometime in October. . would you like me to keep you posted on the details?
Comment by Backyard Getaway (Lisa) on July 22, 2009 at 7:01am
We think this is a great idea! The Backyard Getaway will be donating 10% of all Water lily & aquatic plant sales from August 1st thru Oct 24th.



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