
Got a great idea, here's some wonderful opportunities now!

Ever say, "Someone should have invented a _________________?" It can happen as a grumble as you are wrestling with an uncomfortable or downright difficult task. When I took an interest in patents and inventions back in 1998, the Independent Inventor seemed miles away from any resources. It felt like groping around in the dark and questions fielded by patent attorneys were submitted on "billable time." There were Patent Marketing Submissions Companies and Representatives but many were shady. We have come a long way with that too. Disclaimers now must be provided re: number of clients, successful licensing agreements, and actual "net profitable" licensing agreements that the patent representatives and promotional companies have generated. But if you don't want to deal with all of that at this point and you think you have a great idea, you can take advantage of this better time for the Independent Inventor and submit an idea to a National Product Hunt.

If there were such resources that had clients like GAP or Liz Claiborne wanting to license the patent rights for my ideas, I would have been right there. That holds true with the Edison Nation/Everyday Edisons entity that would have taken a sketch, concept, or prototype and followed through bringing the product to market. It is to be able to collect royalties, even get on TV. There is a saying that the idea is 10% of the work and , getting the product successfully to market is the other 90%.

So if is for you:
Let's hear it from all you wonderful, creative Sarasotans!

Here are some National Product Searches that may ignite your imagination and bring success one step closer to you.
So what have you said about "Someone should have invented a _________________?"

Diane White



National Product Searches and Contests
"These Product Searches and Contests are sponsored by UIA-Certified Members.

Edison Nation Live Search: BBQ Products

Just in time for grilling season, Lifetime Brands are looking for new outdoor cookware and innovative products for the BBQ. The barbeque product category may include any utensils, food preparation gadgets, organizers, portables or grilling and serving aids that would be associated with barbecuing and related outdoor entertaining.

Deadline: Monday, July 27, 2009
For more information: www.edisonnationcom/lifetime-brands

Edison Nation Live Search: Walmart!

The world's largest retailer is looking for sustainable or green products and they've come to UIA-Certified member Edison Nation to find them!

Walmart is seeking sustainable/green and innovative products for their Home Division to add to their store shelves across the country. Walmart wants to introduce customers to an affordable and green lifestyle they can bring into their own homes. Innovative product ideas should feature sustainable elements that minimize impact or create a positive effect on environment and perhaps change consumer behavior. These sustainable home product ideas must appeal to the wide customer base Walmart attracts.

Deadline: Friday, July 31, 2009
For more information: www.edisonnation.com/walmart

Inventors Club of Kansas City: 4th Annual National Invention Contest

August 4, 2009

Open to all Inventors and Entrepreneurs across the USA. Sponsored by Garden Weasel/ Faultless Starch/ Bon Ami Co. For more information: www.InventorsClubofKC.org

Edison Nation Live Search

A Global Consumer Products Company is looking for new pet hair technologies, products or devices that are easy to use and remove pet hair from soft surfaces, such as upholstered furniture, drapes and fabrics found in the home or in the car.

Edison Nation is launching a new kind of Live Product Search. Our partner has requested anonymity, and is large enough to get anything they ask for. Just to give you an idea on the scale of this opportunity: 99% of you have purchased or used one of their products.

Deadline: Thursday, August 6, 2009
For more information: www.edisonnation.com/global-consumer-products

Financial Future Challenge

This summer, By Kids For Kids is teaming up with the New York Stock Exchange and K12 to bring your kids a chance to learn about financial literacy. Over the next 3 months, we will be providing parents and educators with activities and downloadable materials designed to get kids learning about the financial world. We will be accepting entries into the Financial Future Challenge – a challenge to young people to tell us how to teach kids about the stock market. We are looking for a product, idea, or process that can be used to teach your friends and classmates some aspect of financial literacy, investing and/or the stock market.

One Grand Prize winner will receive:
- $2500 to jumpstart a stock portfolio
- A special celebratory event at NYSE

Four Runners Up will receive:
-A sponsor prize package (ARV: $50 each)

Teacher Award:
The Grand Prize winner will be able to nominate a teacher/mentor who was most instrumental in their success to receive recognition and a $250 retail gift card.

The competition runs until August 31, 2009.
For more information: www.bkfk.com/financialfuture

Any Storage or ramification whizzes out there?
Edison Nation Live Search: Bed Bath & Beyond

Going away to college or university means squeezing your whole world into a room the size of a closet. Bed Bath & Beyond has teamed up with Edison Nation to host the "Students of Invention" Search to find solution based product ideas that will help students conquer the challenges of dorm room living: space, organization, storage, cleaning, lighting, comfort and decorating.

Deadline: September 30, 2009
For more information: www.edisonnation.com/bedbathandbeyond "

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