
We all go out and network in hope of selling our products or service but HOW you go about doing that can make or break your sale. To quote Zig Zigler, "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” Here are a few helpful hints to get you started ~

1. Have a network: Save all those business cards people pass to you and write on it where you met them and the date (this is an excellant memory jogger) Organize those cards in a three ring binder by categories. ex: Computers, Health, Marketing, Real Estate, etc and insert the cards in the appropriate category.

2. Find out what they do. Just because they say they are in real estate does not automatically mean they sell houses. Perhaps they specialize in a certain area of real estate.

3. Find out what they need now. What would take their business to the next level? Who is a perfect QUALIFIED lead for them? Most people aren't sure exactly what they want so you may have to ask more questions to get details on what it is they are looking for.

4. Connect them to your network. Someone else you know may be able to work with them or have a contact for them.

Remember people don't care what you do but how you made them feel. My friend Dave Doerges teaches a Master Networker's Workshop. You can find out more information at www.FreeNetworkingInternational.com

In Gratitude,
Dawn Mcclafferty

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Comment by Bonnie Gray on September 16, 2009 at 10:11am
Love the date on biz cards idea- Ive been noting where I meet folks- but this easy addtl step is great!



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