The fact that business as normal is not normal any longer is now an accepted fact. But what does the new normal look like? Well if you don’t know, don’t feel bad. It appears that a lot of people are unsure.
However, this can present some interesting challenges.
Who is your ideal prospect?
(If you used to work predominantly with new home builders, you may not have as many of these as you used to.)
How do you connect with them?
(If the phone book or newspaper advertising used to do the trick, you might be feeling a bit of a pinch.)
What type of payment options do you have available for your prospects and clients?
(If in the past large ticket sales were predominantly credit, this could be a problem.)
Could I think bigger than I am?
Is there a bigger picture my company fits into?
Many companies are cutting back…advertising, marketing, and development.
Have I limited my thinking through preconceived notions of what is possible?
If you want better answers ask better questions:
How can I leverage the time, money, and effort I put into my business?
How can I expand my business and capture market share with limited resources?
How can I become more valuable to my prospects and clients?
Success is often in the details. Do I take care of the details in my business?
If I have changed, do others know?
At the end of the day what do I want this to look like?
Asking better questions, will give you better answers. And as you ask and answer, your questions will continue to get better and in turn your answers will improve. It’s a process, and not a comfortable one. However it is one where the perseverant will not only survive, but will prosper.
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