
Why Do So Many Women Have Low Self-Esteem?

This is a question I have pondered many times. Since I teach classes on Self-Esteem and Empowerment, I see women every week who struggle with this issue. Why? What happened to these women to cause them to doubt themselves? These are questions that we can ask over and over and try to determine why, but it may not be possible to make that determination.

So, I suggest that we stop trying to figure out why, and just accept the fact that it is what it is. And, doing that, we can then begin to take steps to fix the problem. Yes, that's right, we can fix the problem! There are many things that a woman with low self-esteem can do to change and learn to develop self-confidence and believe that she is worthy of love and respect.

During my classes and in my coaching sessions with women who struggle with this problem, we talk about what can be done to make this change. I have also done workshops that address this issue. I know this is possible because I am an example of a woman who suffered with extremely low self-esteem and I made a decision to change. And I have - so that means you can too.

Was it easy to change? No. Did it happen quickly? No. Was it hard to change? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely!!!

Do you want to know more about how to make this important change in your life? If so, contact me via this blog or by calling me at 941-266-9578. Visit my website at www.brightfuture4u2.com to learn more about me and my business.

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