

Stretching is more important to an exercise program that most people think.

There are definite benefits to incorporating a stretch workout your current workout program. Stretching improves your flexibility, which can definitely help you increase your level of physical fitness.

This means that you may be able to hold a position for longer when exercising or it may also mean that you can better play a sport that requires you to be in flexible positions. (golf, tennis, skiing, basketball, football, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, dodge ball, etc.)

Stretching also helps to prevent injuries as well. When you do a stretch workout you are actually lengthening your muscles and making your body more flexible.

This means that when you do to do lunges or squats, the more flexible you are, the less likely you are to pull your groin muscle when doing the exercises.

A solid stretch workout helps to also have an escape for your body away from your higher intensity workouts and instead stretch your body and mind.

Stretching actually works as an escape away, just like a yoga workout does. You can help improve the performance of your body while helping to get rid of soreness and tension.

One important thing to remember though with any stretch workout is that even though stretching helps to prevent injuries it can actually cause you injury as well.

When you are stretching, you should go as far as you feel a good stretch and not any further as you can end up pulling muscles if you stretch too far. Do not apply too much force to your stretches, as all you need is that slight stretch to get benefits from the workout.

Should you stretch before or after a workout? The answer is both.

Prior to your workout or sporting event you should warm-up with some light jogging, marching or jumping jacks just to get the muscles warm. Then you can proceed with stretching. You should do the same at the end of your workout when cooling down the muscles.

Warming up brings blood to the muscles and make injuries from stretching less likely.

If you would like to learn more about setting up your own stretching program or have questions please contact me through WQ magazine, my email or my web site.

Also be sure to watch my fit tip of the week video: Quad Stretch



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Comment by admin on October 7, 2009 at 8:17am
Hi Patti...Here Is Your Video Fit Tip of The Week On Stretching

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