Your November Horoscope
by Tere Greenwald
Relationship issues may come to fullness on November 2nd. The full Moon in Taurus may have you wanting stability and tradition. Try not to force things to happen November 8-10, by stepping back you may see it fall right in your lap November 11-14.
The November 16th New Moon in Scorpio supports communicating yourself without expecting anything from anyone in return. Avoid relationship conflicts on November 19th when you may not see eye to eye on something.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21st, lightening things up a bit. This encourages more fun and adventure.
As we experience the Thanksgiving holiday, our affections for loved ones may be a little fickle and prickly. Freedom and reducing obligation may be your key to success!
Aries...An issue around money comes to fullness on November 2nd. Perhaps you are seeking more stability there. Work towards creating a steady flow. You may see how to move forward with this on November 16th as your ability to collect money increases.
Taurus...This Full Moon on November 2nd is in your sign. Are you putting your needs ahead of the needs of others? Ask for what you need from others on November 16th. At this time you will begin to see how to move forward from what appeared to be holding you back.
Gemini...New ideas are flowing within you at this November 2nd Full Moon. The November 16th New Moon allows for changes in your day to day routine. These changes may support you breaking out of an old rut. It is time to shake things up a bit!
Cancer...Perhaps you are seeking stability in your social life at this November 2nd Full Moon. The November 16th New Moon ushers in more fun and maybe even a new romance. Make sure to create the space in your life for this positive flow.
Leo...If you have already planted the seeds you now watch a career matter come to fullness on November 2nd. The New Moon on November 16th allows you to see how to move forward on a home or family matter. Remember freedom versus obligation is key to success here.
Virgo...This November 2nd Full Moon helps you to expand your horizons. Perhaps you may learn something new or find yourself on a new venture. This November 16th New Moon supports new beginnings in all realms of communication. Use your communication skills to move past what appears to have held you back.
Libra...A financial matter may come to fullness on November 2nd. The New Moon on November 16th allows you to see how to move forward in creating more money flow.
Scorpio...The sun is in your sign most of this month, helping to improve your confidence and charisma. You will be seeking stability with all partnerships on November 2nd, this may be business or romantic. The New Moon in your sign on November 16th encourages you to put your needs front and center.
Sagittarius..You seek stability in your day to day routines at this November 2nd Full Moon. The November 16th New Moon inspires you within. Let creativity be king as you see new ways to move past your perceived obstacles.
Capricorn...This Full Moon brings a romance or creative project to fullness. Perhaps you seek stability with this now. The November 16th New Moon opens new doors in your friendship and networking circle. Allow yourself to connect to others to help you move forward.
Aquarius...This November 2nd Full Moon brings a family or home issue to fullness. Plan to step back and only take responsibility for your part in this. Your career may get a boost with the November 16th New Moon.
Pisces...How well you communicate yourself shows itself at the November 2nd Full Moon. Perhaps you will want to learn something new. The November 16th New Moon helps to expand your vision as you learn new ways to push past your obstacles now. It may be as simple as taking the high road.
by Tere Greenwald
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