"What R U Waiting 4 ?", is my question of the day for you.
I have contact with a lot of people on a daily basis and one thing that I have noticed a lot in the conversations taking place are phrases like, " I should...." or " I want to but..." or even " I can't get around to ...".
I thought a lot about it and I must say I do understand that everyone has a lot on their plate, I know I do, but what I don't understand is how we can put our own personal wishes, joys, and aspirations on the back burner ALL the time!
As a life coach for mothers I see this more than I would like to admit. We, as mothers, give so much of ourselves and time that we often lose our own identity and life goals. Then we wonder why we are so unhappy at times! I hate to say it but it is our own fault! We need to make our own well being a priority just as much as that of our children and spouses.
Today I would like to challenge all you mothers out there to do one thing for yourself everyday!!!! It can be as small as giving yourself the time to read a magazine or as large as writing that novel that you have in your head! Go ahead, it will make you happy to make yourself happy! What R U Waiting 4?
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