
4Women.com joins the relief effort in Haiti.

The world is stunned by the devastation and suffering brought about by the earthquake in Haiti. Like most people I know, I very much want to do something, anything, to help Haiti. While the suffering of the Haitian people is beyond heartbreaking, the surge of worldwide support for and solidarity with the Haitian people is so inspiring. My family has been connected to and supporting Haitian orphans for decades, but I now feel compelled to do more, as so much more is needed. The 4Women.com team wants to help our fellow humans in their moment of need. Now through the end of February, our company will donate $1.00 from each sale to Partners In Health. PIH has been working on the ground in Haiti for over 20 years. This organization works to bring modern medical care to poor communities in nine countries around the world. Our support will go directly to PIH’s “STAND WITH HAITI” fund. We are proud to support them in their efforts to help the Haitian people emerge from this huge humanitarian disaster. It can be surreal going about our daily lives knowing that at the very same moment, Haitian men, women, and children are suffering so deeply. Now, purchasing a BeauBeau head scarf will help you to feel fashionable and confident and help PIH to provide desperately needed relief to the people of Haiti.

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late”….Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank you for your support.

Susan M. Beausang

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