
8 Little Unknown Facts About Eyelash Extensions

1. The industry term “eyelash extensions” applies to single synthetic lashes only. Groups of synthetic lashes are called flares, clusters or tabs. They are heavier than eyelash extensions and not recommended for frequent use or long lengths of time.

2. Eyelash extensions are not “one size fits all”. Everyone’s lashes are different and eyelash extensions should be customized to each individual for the correct length and thickness to suit their look and ensure the health of their natural lashes. Not everyone can or should get super long or super thick eyelash extensions!

3. A full set of eyelash extensions is not all one length. The shape of your lash line tapers – it’s longer in the center and shorter on the outsides and your extensions should be too. Following the design of the natural lashes creates natural-looking extensions!

4. Natural lashes grow to a finite length (different for each person), fall out and are replaced by new growth, just like the hairs on your head. When eyelash extensions are applied and maintained correctly, they will grow out with your natural lash and still be attached to the lash when it sheds.

5. Natural lashes are constantly growing in and falling out at different times so your eyelash extensions will too! There is no set amount of time that eyelash extensions will last because they will shed with the natural lash they are attached to when it grows out and that time varies. Due to growth cycles and different stages, the best estimate is that you will shed 1-5 natural lashes per day – including those with extensions and those without. Frequent re-lashes will replace those that have shed to maintain a full look.

6. You SHOULD be seeing your natural lashes and extensions fall out together. This is normal. If your extensions fall off before the natural lash, the adhesive bond wasn’t strong enough or maintenance instructions were not followed correctly.

7. You CAN wear mascara on eyelash extensions but it MUST be OIL-FREE. You shouldn’t need to, but you can. (Not all products labeled  “oil-free” are truly oil-free – they only have to be 70% oil-free to be labeled that way, according to the FDA. Your best bet for extension care is to purchase products specifically designed for eyelash extensions.)

8. Eyelash extension adhesive is designed to create a permanent bond between the extension and the natural lash. It is nearly impossible to remove extensions yourself without damaging your natural lashes. See a professional if you need removal!

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Comment by Beverly Katzenberger on April 19, 2011 at 3:33pm
After reading this article you can talk with confidence regarding eyelash extensions.



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