http://www.harmonyhealthsrq.comDid you know that certified acupuncture physicians can inject natural substances into acupuncture points? The effect is a profound use of the energy channels without stressing the Liver, the body's main detoxification organ.
You can experience it this month for $20 - a $10 reduction. Homeopathic injectibles are particularly good for musculoskeletal pain while B-12 heals muscle and boosts energy, and Ban Lan Gen - a Chinese herbal extract - fights colds and viruses. Call 330-5355 to make an appointment.
Last month, I offered free Tuesday evening acupuncture treatments and had a nice turnout of new patients. This month, I'd like to introduce you to
Tui Na, or Chinese Medical Massage. This is a highly-developed form of body work that replaces needles with touch, including acupressure. It is remarkably effective for joint and muscle issues, helping reduce pain, numbness, stiffness and tingling.
Experience this for free on Fridays from 4-7 p.m. Call me at 330-5355.
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