
by Whitney Cabrera

Detoxing is a popular concept. I challenge ALL of my clients to begin their training with me by following very strict eating parameters to get the ball rolling for all of the changes they are fixing to experience. Do you need a special “miracle-cleansing” product to really “do it right”? My short answer is “no.” Your body was designed to “detox” itself with real food and NO magic pills.

The Strategic Wellness detox is completely different from all of those all-too-common fake “bowel and liver detox” programs you see on infomercials and in all of the retail stores. Save your money. Or better yet, invest it in high quality foods that will naturally clean your body from stem to stern! Skip the Scams!

The Natural Cleanse

Detoxing is not a new idea for your body. It’s an ongoing, moment by moment, hour by hour process in your body. The healthier you are, the easier it is to keep your cells “clean” and functioning the way they were meant to. If you are eating processed foods, you’re making your body work overtime and storing these unrecognizable by-products in your fat (to make it simple). These toxins are major contributors to your ill-health; from the allergies to cancer.

Toxic and Irritating Foods

As much as I enjoy salt and spicy foods, you must know that these things are irritants to the mucosal lining in your digestive tract. To maintain excellent health, keep salt, pepper and hot spices to a minimum, eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in fruits and veggies are POWERFUL healing agents They feed your cells what they need to function at their prime and give leave you with excellent health!

Toxic, Irritating Laxatives

Don’t waste your time with the “detox in a box” programs that have become so popular? They don’t work, and they’re actually harmful. No special pills, powders, or herbs can detoxify you. Laxatives can no more detoxify you than washing your mouth out with soap can. Are you worried about “years of hardened mucus and food stuck like glue on the walls of your colon? Guess what! It’s not there, and thousands of sigmoidoscopies and colonoscopies prove it. Ask your physician.

Eating a nutrient dense, high fiber diet will keep the walls of your intestines sparkling clean. The longer you eat well, the better the balance of your natural flora and long term digestive health. It will actually help you avoid disease, or reverse that which has already begun. Some of you already know that laxatives are habit forming. The more you stimulate the bowels artificially, the less reactive your bowel will be to the normal stimulation from food. Do you REALLY want to have to take that powdery supplement for the rest of your life?

You don’t have to.

Do it the Right Way!

Follow our 7 day Transitions Lifestyle System Detox and be amazed what happens!

Here’s the detox instructions:

Eat as many non-starchy vegetables plain, lightly steamed, in soups or salads as you can possibly fit in!

Eat 3-4 pieces of whole fruit a day. No juice.

Drink only water or brewed green tea.

No starchy carbs, caffeine, fats sources, protein sources or of course, processed foods!

Here are a few recipes that will get you started!

After a few days you’ll feel fantastic!

Give your body a fighting chance to clean itself up!

You have to eat good, clean, healthy, preferably organic foods.

Your body does all the work.

Recipe Suggestions

Fruit Plate

One whole grapefruit or two oranges
One box of blueberries
One box of strawberries
Lettuce (optional)

Arrange on a plate and serve.

Blended Salad
8 oz. baby greens
One orange
Juice of ¼ lemon

Blend in a blender and serve.

Healthy Slaw
½ cup shredded raw cabbage
½ cup shredded raw beets
½ cup shredded raw carrots
1 cup shredded apple
¼ cup raisins

Toss together and serve.

The Green Machine
4-8 oz. raw chopped kale
4-8 oz. raw chopped bok choy
4-8 oz. chopped broccoli rab
2 large tomatoes, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cups chopped mushrooms
One medium onion, chopped

Add tomato, garlic, onion, and mushrooms to pan. Cover and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Add greens on top and continue to cook in covered pan on low heat for 5 more minutes.

Apple-Stuffed Peppers
One red pepper
One medium apple
½ tsp. cinnamon
Pinch of nutmeg

Chop apple. Mix with cinnamon and nutmeg. Cut top off of pepper and remove core and seeds. Stuff pepper with apple mixture and bake in oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

Happy Detoxing!

Recipes and some content of this article compliments of Dr Joel Fuhrman.
by Whitney Cabrera

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Comment by Sandy Norton on February 8, 2010 at 9:33am
This is great and all so true! Healthy habits can add years and quality to your life. I always recommend a whole foods detox regime to my clients as they begin my weightloss program, and at least twice yearly thereafter. Not only does the body have the ability to cleanse itself, it also has innate healing abilities--as long as we feed (fuel) it the right way. Healthy detox is a great way to get started! Thanks for posting, Whitney!




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