
Exercise Offsets the Effects of the Obesity Gene

Scientists in England have recently discovered a gene that they believe explains why some people, including adolescents, are more prone to becoming overweight or obese.
This gene, dubbed “the obesity gene” or the FTO obesity gene affects up to half of all people of European heritage and makes it more of a challenge to lose weight – and avoid obesity. Fortunately, there may be a way to offset the effects of the FTO obesity gene in both adolescent and adults – by getting regular exercise.

Exercise Overcomes the Effects of the Obesity Gene?

Researchers measured the waist size, body fat percentage, and BMI of 752 adolescents – some of whom had the FTO obesity gene and some of whom didn’t. They also attached an accelerometer to their backs to measure how much physical activity they got.

Not surprisingly, the adolescents with the obesity gene had higher BMI, body fat, and waist measurements – but the ones who did at least an hour a day of moderate to high intensity exercise didn’t have increased measurements. Daily physical exercise at moderate to high intensity for sixty minutes protected these adolescents against the effects of the obesity gene. A similar study in adults showed that physical activity can blunt the weight gain that’s common with the FTO gene for obesity.

Moderate to High Intensity Exercise is Best for Counteracting the Obesity Gene

This study shows that even people who are genetically predisposed to obesity may be able to avoid it by staying physically active. In this case, the benefits were seen with moderate to high intensity exercise rather than lower intensity exercise – and an hour a day was enough to help ward off obesity.

As a generalization, moderate and high intensity exercise is more effective for preventing weight loss and obesity than slower, low intensity exercise. One study showed that middle-aged and older women could avoid the typical weight gain seen with aging by doing an hour or more of moderate intensity exercise each day. Those who exercised at a lower intensity gained weight at a similar rate to women who didn’t do exercise at all – although the lower intensity exercisers still got some cardiovascular benefits.

Counteracting the Obesity Gene: The Bottom Line?

Even if you’re genetically prone to obesity, exercise can reduce unhealthy weight gain. Make an effort to exercise for an hour a day and gradually work up to moderate intensity exercise if you want to see those pounds stay off. Check with your doctor first before starting an exercise program – particularly a high intensity one.

BY Dr. Kristie References:Web MD website. "Exercise Can Overcome Obesity Gene".
Family Practice News. 2010.

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