
Have you ever had a t-shirt that you loved and were still wearing with holes, stains and assorted ugliness on it? It probably broke your heart to throw that special
t-shirt away because you had a special relationship with it and it made you feel good. And yet you did throw it away and you moved on, you let go.
Letting go of things, people, places, routines, traditions or even habits is a terribly difficult procedure, one that some people simply refuse to do at all.
Here are a few of the different reasons for having to let go:
1. When things no longer serve your best interests we must often let go. It can be a relationship, a friendship, a job or some kind of situation that no longer functions as it should. Sometimes trying to make things better is not an option anymore and the best thing would be to let go. And yet we hold on to these things because of fear of the unknown. Most of the time we would rather stay with something that is no longer good because that is what we know. Open your life to something new that would better serve you in your life now.
2. Sometimes it happens that things change in our lives without any forewarning and we are forced to let go which can be excruciatingly painful. When my mother passed away within 41 days, it was hard to face the reality that she was really gone. It has been 8 years now and I still can't quite comprehend that she is no longer with us. This is when we are forced to let go, we have no other choice. Or we choose to hold on to the pain instead of releasing the past and live in the present moment. As was wisely told before us, we need to bury our dead and embrace the living. Again it is about being present now.
3. Some things just change over time. Nowhere is that more evident than with our teenage children! As a parent it is hard to release our old patterns of dealing with our children, but we must let go of our vision of them as small children in need of our assistance at every turn and let them learn to be independent and learn from their own mistakes.
4. Sometimes we are stuck in old mindsets or old paradigms and refuse to let go. It is especially evident when traditions are involved, that people are not willing to let go of some of their ideas, even though some ideas might be outdated, not serving their purpose anymore. People would much rather hold on to the death in some instances than modernize their traditions.
These are but a few examples of how holding on can bring misery, fear, anger and downright dissatisfaction to our lives. Letting go can be such a liberating experience, change as hard as it is, can be the most exciting and rejuvenating experience, if we just allow it to happen.
We want to hold on to our youth, but get old in the process.
We want to keep things just as they are even if they are not good anymore, and block any future growth.
We want to control every moment, every person, every situation. The only thing you can control is how you react to this moment!
Breathe and let go of the old t-shirt! Thank it for all the wonderful years of service and then say good bye! A new t-shirt is waiting to become your favorite t-shirt and you have all the wonderful memories of the old one in your heart.
Step away from the old t-shirt.......... Don't look back, and bravely put the new t-shirt on. You can do it!
If you have trouble with this concept of letting go,
I would love to offer you my assistance in a FREE Sample Session of life coaching. Call 941- 0791 or email mteyke@tampabay.rr.com
Embrace change,

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Comment by Michelle Teyke on September 30, 2010 at 8:37am
Thanks Phyllis! You are so kind, I miss you!!!
Comment by Phyllis Dobbins on September 30, 2010 at 7:45am
Thank you so much for your wonderful words of wisdom. Please keep posting, it is exactly what we need...Phyllis Dobbins...



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