There are lots of horse issues rearing their heads. From horses being bred then discarded for not performing, to horses being roundup in the wild, captured and kept in corrals.
This past weekend I asked my local TV station go with me to our local polo fields. I wanted to do an interview with a local Restaurateur, Jaymie Klauber, who is a polo player but also rescues horses that need a home. If she did not adopt them, they would be sent to the slaughter house. She takes them then trains them to play polo. They have a wonderful home and a productive life playing polo. The day I was with her she got a call that other horses needed to be rescued. If she can’t take them she does find them homes. She will not let them go to the slaughter house. If you are looking for horses, let us know. We can get you in touch with Jaymie.

I also met with Larry Robinson, NHL Hall of Fame, Stanley Cup winner and on the board of Animal Connection. Larry is a polo player and also rescues animals that need a good home. He was raised on a farm and has always had a special place in his heart for animals.

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Not all horses are cared for as well as these polo ponies. There is an issue going on in the Wild West…..there has been a big roundup going on in Nevada. There have been over 2,500 wild horses captured. They use helicopters and horseback riders to herd them into corrals. These corrals are in the Black Rock Range, a chain of mountains 100 miles North of Reno. The local Land Management estimates there are nearly 37,000 wild mustangs. About half of them live in Nevada, with others concentrated in Arizona, California, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. The Land Management feels if this is not controlled now, the horse population will double in 4 years. The challenge, where will these horses end up? The plan is to have the horses adopted or sent to holding facilities in the Midwest since the space near Reno is full.

The roundup has upset a lot of people for many reasons. Using helicopters frightens the horses which can cause injuries like broken legs, and is inhumane. If a horse breaks its leg it has to be put down. There is also the risk of respiratory illness to these horses. Foals also can’t keep up and get separated from their mothers.
There are a number of celebrities who do not approve of this roundup. Two of these include Willie Nelson and Sheryl Crow. Willie Nelson has said he feels these animals will become extinct if this continues.

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