
The last couple years for all of us have been ones of significant change. Whether that change has been more than finally getting a Facebook account or not, all of us have been impacted in some way by technology and a changing economic climate. How do we handle change?

If the phrase “change or die” is at all true, then I acknowledge it isn’t something I can hide from, and actually the longer I put off the inevitable, like my taxes, the greater the penalties. Yet trying to keep up with changes can be overwhelming...so now what?

· I acknowledge that change is necessary and decide when to start.

· If I don’t know what I want the change to look like, start by getting some more information.

· I don’t expect to arrive. Change is no longer periodical, but continuous.

· I don’t expect to hammer it out and be done. I won’t ever get done, so I need to pace myself for the long haul.

· Enjoy the learning curve. I am going to have one, so I might as well enjoy it.

· I am not afraid to laugh at myself. All things tend to be done poorly, before they are done well!

· I accept the things I can change and the things I can not.

Speaking of change, I have several exciting things going on and have been making a lot of changes personally and professionally. I am excited about the changes in my business and my life. For some, you have been with me for most of this journey. Others I have met recently as I have been in this process of transition and hope to get to know you better.

Joy Beyond Freedom which is where this all started, will remain the domain address of all the content that is designed more for individuals. Here some of the great content you will find is on life balance, making changes, and reinventing yourself for starters.

SP Hand and Associates will be where you will be able to find the content that is directed more towards business growth and development. Here we will talk about value propositions, business models, marketing and much more.


· I remember that just as I have to face change, so does everyone else. I am not alone!

· Know when enough change is enough! Sometimes taking a break is an important part of change.

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