
Marketing Tip: Your name is important

In 2008 I thought long and hard about changing my business name (Frank's Designs) so I met with a marketing guru and he said "No Way!" Keep your name, YOUare the brand!

This isn't always true for a few companies but if you are a consultant or a sole proprietor it is critical. Even if you have a brand like Kokokhan "The Essence of Pure Organics you can't help but think of Traci Dalrymple, the founder. She is the positive energy behind Kokokhan and without her Kokokhan is a weaker brand.

An example of a WQ member whose name is in her brand is Freya Zollinger of Zollinger Mediation. Lots of people know her so for that reason her company name, website name and so on even more memorable.

Some make the argument that your personal page should be somehow isolated from your personal Facebook page. It is a valid idea but I have a different philosophy. I stand for peace, love, compassion, and acceptance of others straight or otherwise whether I'm representing ME or Frank's Designs. I support most left leaning causes. If I lose one customer because I have gay friend on my facebook page (or my WQ page) I stand to gain dozens more because other people like my values.

This is the same reasons some prefer Starbucks (because they support fair trade coffee or sent $1,000,000 to Haiti) or Nike because they want to bold enough to JUST DO IT! Others prefer Dunkin Donuts because they like the unpretentiousness (and the price) better. Which burger chain was started by Dave Thomas? Look how fast brands deserted Tiger Woods?
Did you know that one of the reasons corporations are choosing animated characters is because of fiasco's like Tiger Woods? they can control the character's behavior, words etc. and tweak the image of their company EVEN if the company isn't so squeaky clean. Peace and Love,
Frank Gomez is a Graphic Designer with Frank's Designs Empowered Marketing

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