Value Matters: Sales and Discounts used to work very well. Consumers thought "it's on sale! I'm saving $20!". Consumers are smarter now. A sale doesn't really count unless it is something they need, in other words there is no
value if they don't need it. They realize that if they are buying something that they normally WOULD NOT then they DO NOT need to buy it
even if it is on sale.
Here are some ideas of how you can increase someone's (real or) perceived value...
- Testimonials
- Creating a Facebook Page and getting lots of fans, If others see you have lots of fans it increases the perceived value of your company / brand and subsequently the products and services you offer.
- Impeccable service: This increases perceived value because it will increase the likelihood that your customers will tell others about your or your business.
- An excellent or unique product.
- Give More. What I mean by this is that if your customers are going to buy anyway perhaps you can get them to buy more by offering a discount if they buy 2 of them. This is common in grocery stores. I need or want a product and would normally only buy one but because there was a discount
- Great Design. Look through a glossy magazine and look at the ads that get your attention. Those ads are most likely examples of great design.
Because Derek's gave us #3 and #4 yesterday I'm writing a testimonial #1.
Have an awesome week!
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