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This is undoubtedly a rough time of year for allergy sufferers. But as you down another Claritin, did you know that Chinese Medicine can treat both the causes and symptoms of your congestion, sneezing, headache and fatigue?

Here's how it goes:

Allergies - just like a cold - represent a breakdown in the immune system, or what in Chinese Medicine is referred to as "Wei Qi" or exterior Qi. Concurrently, there's likely an underlying interior deficiency that has
rendered the Wei Qi weak.

Acupuncture and herbs can address all those issues.

Relief is the first priority. Various acupuncture points for the most part located on the face and arm open up the nasal passages while relieving pain and reducing congestion. Other points, found predominately on the legs really help boost body strength and, as a result, the immune system. This way, you're positioned for short- and long-term relief.

It's best to combine the acupuncture with one of the many herbal formulas that have been used for centuries to treat the variety of patterns that come into play with allergies. One of the key things to remember is that Chinese Medicine, as a holistic form of medicine, treats every patient as an individual. We have to groom the points and herbal formulas accordingly.

Other weapons that can be used to tame allergies are cupping - which opens up the pores and draws out Lung
pathogens to improve breathing - and moxibustion - which stimulates Qi flow and dries out congestion. It doesn't hurt that many people also find these ancient techniques relaxing.

Depending on your condition, I might also recommend high doses of Vitamin C, Echinachea, Vitamin D3 and various homeopathic remedies.

When it comes to treating seasonal allergies ... naturally, have confidence in a visit to a licensed acupuncturist.

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