
Promising Treatment Option For Fibromyalgia

Reprinted from "The Sarasota Acupuncturist" blog at Harmony Health Acupuncture and Herbs:

Fibromyalgia is an often crippling condition that affects mostly women. Not only are experts divided on the causes of Fibromyalgia - even disagreeing on whether it's a real condition - they struggle to treat the chronic pain, insomnia and fatigue that come with it.

Now a pilot acupuncture study out of California is showing results that offer hope for millions of sufferers. Using 17 acupuncture points, researchers treated 67 patients two times/week for eight weeks, reporting improvements in major symptoms. They also didn't notice any negative side effects, which is a typical benefit of acupuncture. At least two FDA-approved Fibromyalgia drugs, Lyrica and Savella, come with warnings about possible dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and dry mouth.

You can read about it here: http://www.naturalsolutionsmag.com/articles-display/9763/Heal-Thyself-New-Hope-for-Fibromyalgia?utm_source=ns&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=news042810

Acupuncture treats pain by improving the body's flow of Qi and Blood, which stimulates blood circulation and the helpful balance of hormones and neurotransmitters. Research has shown that it prompts the release of pain-reducing endorphins.

In addition to acupuncture, injections of homeopathics can also help relieve muscle/tissue/joint pain while I've found soft massage - akin to rubbing - to be a useful tool in addressing chronic pain. The light touch is able to stimulate blood flow without causing pain from pressure.

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