Do some people have connections with animals that are stronger than the ones they have with other humans?
Recently there was a segment on ABC’s 20/20. It got me thinking about this issue. I know of several people, personally, who feel they have a better connection, and get more love, from their animals than they do with other humans. Is that because of their personality? Is it because of the way they were raised? Are the animals they have are more loyal and loving than people? What is the answer?

In the world today we seem to be drifting farther and farther apart from the people in our lives, yet we need them more and more. We have more natural disasters, higher unemployment, higher living expenses, etc. Are we all becoming so stressed that the connection and unconditional love we get from animals, has become more soothing and needed than other people are?
I know when I am having a hard day, and feel overwhelmed, I put my head next to my sleeping ferret. I seem to be able to breathe better, and deeper, when I listen to her breathe and heart beating. It’s like a mini vacation for my inner self. I can’t explain it other than two spirits connecting somehow. It has become my stress reliever. Whenever something happens to her I’m not sure what I will do. It’s not like I can buy another Bessie (that’s her name). It’s like being in that “special” relationship. Physically you can be with someone, but do you really feel deep “love”…the same as when you are really “in love” with someone? From the outside it looks the same but in your core you know the difference.
Here is a clip on this topic:
Here are a few examples of the women on 20/20.
1. Margot. She has 3 cats. These cats are her entire world. She does admit that she is very lonely and in need of friends. The relationship with her animals might be to the detriment of finding people to share her life with.
Margot was an adopted child in an overachieving family. She felt she could never keep up or be good enough. She works as a receptionist but has longed for more. She feels she has not achieved what she should have at this time in her life. The cats love her for who she is and don’t judge her. These cats are what keep her going, yet she admits, she craves human closeness. She says people who know her have no idea how lonely she is. Since the show her three cats died. One died of feline leukemia. Another one was killed by a dog that was visiting the apartment -- a tragedy which Margot is still reeling from. The third one died of old age. Now she has two new, energetic cats that she says she's ecstatic about.
2. Jenny is 36 and a successful, fiercely independent sales agent. She has her own home and shares it with her family of 16 cats. She says she had a difficult childhood and it’s been a challenge to have a “normal” relationship so she turned to cats for the comfort and love she needed. She says she has always wanted to get married and have children. She still has hope but she is afraid she will end up with more cats and still nobody to share her life with. She says the best place to meet someone is the dog park. That won’t work for someone with cats.
3. Diane is 65 and spent most of her career as a high-powered banker. She was forced into an early retirement so she began spending more time on her passion, cats. Believe it or not Diane has been sharing her home for the pas year with 123 cats. She wants to save all of the cats that are on the street. She feeds them, nurses them back to heath and continues to trap more feral cats. She knows she is getting in over her head but can’t stop. She knows it’s a risk legally and health wise because she now lives in squalid conditions. She knows it’s taking a toll on her in many ways. She wants to stop and go back to the way her life was before saving these cats. She can’t even see her family that lives out of town because the cats need her.
How do you feel about the connection between humans and animals? Is there a point when the good feelings from being with animals are a hazard to your life? Do you think that certain people can live a life with only animals and others can’t? What about Jane Goodall, she lived with the chimps for all those years
.If you like the clip of the show, please pass it on. The more views it gets, the more animals you can be helping.
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