We have a winner and a runner up. The Winner is receiving a 3 Night Getaway at Bungalow Beach Resort. The Runner Up's prize is to be announced. This was our closest Contest ever so we have decided to give a prize to the runner up. Thank you so much for entering and participating.
The Winner is#10 Nothing kicks off summer like a Memorial Day parade!! by Paula Lohnes
The Runner up is
#8 It's Always Summer By Chris Alas
Runner up Prize will be announced by Thursday.

The Official Voting Page For The "Feels Like Summer" Photo Contest. Prize:
3 Night Getaway at Bungalow Beach Resort on Anna Maria Island
Thank For Everyone who entered....All the photos were great !! Finalists were selected randomly. Here are the Finalists These finalists were selected randomly by Random.Org. Each Photo was assigned a Number and Here are the results.

Here are The Finalists: #2 My husband Todd and our little girl Jasmaine enjoying the summer day in key west. She just had her nails done by Christine Anderson

#8 It's Always Summer By Chris Alas

#9 Deer Oh Deer! by Cliff Roles

#10 Nothing kicks off summer like a Memorial Day parade!! by Paula Lohnes
#15 Summer Colors by Barbara Siebers

Please Read The Following After You Vote :)
1) You must be 18 or over and a WQ|mag Online Member To Vote. Not a Member? (Click Here To Join)
2) Each member can vote Once daily. To Vote... Simply enter the Photo # that you want to vote for. If you do not see the "Comment" box then you are not signed in. You must sign in first and then Vote.
3) Voting period starts Voting begins Monday 6/14/10 and ends Sunday 6/20/10 Winner announced Monday 6/21/10 (the official first day of summer).
4) Please do not leave any negative comments. Any negative comments will be deleted and your vote will not be counted.
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Please Vote Below in the comment box... Just Type the # you want to vote for :) Thank you so much for Voting :) Help Someone Win a Getaway :)
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