
It's all about being fit, feeling strong and leading a healthy, authentic life! What exercise will get you there the fastest?
My personal opinion is the bicep curl that brings the fork to your lips. BUT, if I had to choose only ONE exercise to do the rest of my life? It would be a Squat or a Lunge.

If you’ve spent any time with me personal training or in our Strategic Boot Camp program, you have experienced this exercise in every workout session in some form or another with me.

I have three quotes I use a lot:

“The Squat is King!”

“Squats and Lunges are a girl’s (and guy’s) best friend.

“The squat and deadlift are the only two exercises you need to build a beautiful body.”

And I mean it.

These exercises use more muscle groups under a heavy load than any other weight bearing exercise known to man. This, in turn, affects your hormones (growth, testosterone, etc.) in a great way that helps you lose fat and build muscle. Many university research studies have been done that show the inclusion of squats into a training program increases upper body muscularity and strength even though those joint movements were not specifically targeted when performing the squat.

Pretty amazing.

Squats are the basis of building a lean and strong body. Get away from the long, boring cardio session and add some into your workouts for 2 weeks. You will see a major difference in your physique. Squats can simply be done with your body weight if you’re a beginner. In fact, I suggest you support yourself by holding onto a wall or a rail to support your weight as you lower yourself slowly to a position that remains comfortable, reaching back with your rear as if you were going to sit in a chair. You may even choose to lower yourself into a chair to begin your squat training.

My suggestion is that you utilize any free-weight object such as a dumbbell, kettlebell, sandbag, milk jug, suitcase, or even your family pet. It’s important that your body follow a natural biomechanically correct path. Avoid the machines. Make your body function the way it was designed. You’ll end up working harder and getting better results.

Go for it!

by Whitney Cabrera

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