
What makes you different is where the money is at!

There is a uniqueness that is all about you, that is characteristic of what makes you different…what makes you special, what makes you unlike any other human being. Just as you are unique as an individual so are you as a business. Yes, there may be businesses that provide a product or service that is similar to what you provide. However they are not and you AND that IS important. Because it is in your difference, your uniqueness that something called a unique selling proposition comes forth. People buy a product or service …YOUR product or service because of what makes you different not because of how you are the same as something else.

You don’t buy a Ford because it is like a Porsche. If you want a Porsche, you buy one. However if the Ford were similar to the Porsche and you bought the Ford instead, it might be because of a different pricing. People don’t buy because you are like everyone else, they buy because you are different.

If you don’t know what makes you specifically different and unique, and you would like to be more profitable and more effective in how you spend your time and money, commit some time to defining that position. It will pay off!

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Comment by Charmaine Tincher on October 14, 2010 at 9:58am
Great Message Sara,
Relationship selling or sharing does pay off. People buy from you not just because you may have a great product! Someone else may have close to the exact product but they appreciate who you are and people like to help others especially if they know you really care about them and not just the transaction. Its not how much you know its how much they know you care! Most people do not have confidence or belief in what they do and they are always concerned about what others may think. And it shows both in their Business Abilities and their Pocket Book. People need to move out of their own way and just be who you are and Business will come your way like a magnet!

Dream Big and reach for the Stars, Charmaine Tincher



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