
Your Monthly Horoscope April 2010 by Tere Greenwald

The month of April gives us another opportunity to talk about Mercury Retrograde.
Mercury, the communication planet, rules all types of media, technology, contracts, and transportation. We may experience communication confusion during Mercury Retrograde from April 14th - May 11th. This will also affect electronics and computers. If your car needs to be serviced due so prior to Mercury Retrograde or you may see it break down. Fix what needs to be fixed prior to April 18th. If you are planning a trip between April 18 - may 11th check and double check all details and give yourself extra time for delays. It is a good time to reconnect with old friends. During a Mercury Retrograde you are moving from the old vision of things to the new one. Don't expect full clarity until this planet goes direct on May 11th.

The New Moon in Aries on the 14th may have you following through on projects already in the works. The month ends with a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 28th. Scorpio is about being discrete and at times even secretive. At this Full Moon emotions may be a private matter with the opposition to Mercury and the Sun.

Aries...Happy Birthday Aries! With the Sun in your sign it's all about you now. The New Moon in your sign on the 14th helps you to bring projects to completion. Mercury will back up in you second house of money and assets from April 18 - May 11th. It is a good time to look at your cash flow and allow yourself the option to view it differently than you have in the past. Remember the clarity comes to fullness after May 11th. The Scorpio Full Moon on the 28th highlights your eighth house of finance. Perhaps money may come to you from an outside source.

Taurus...There is a lot going on below the surface for you. Your internal world is the focus at the New Moon on the 14th. You may be a bit more introverted at this time, perhaps a retreat is in order. Mercury will back up in your sign which will affect your sign the most. If you are unsure of yourself at this time trust a better, more improved vision is coming for you after May 11th. The Sun enters your sign on the 20th giving you a much needed boost of energy. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 28th highlights partnerships. Allow others to be of support to you at this Full Moon.

Gemini...Your friendship house is the focus at the New Moon on the 14th. Enjoy spending time with others, you may receive lots of invites at this time. Mercury will back up in your twth house on the 18th, your internal world. You may keep your thoughts to yourself until May 11th. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your sixth house of day to day routines. You will find yourself quite busy at this Full Moon.

Cancer...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your career house, opening new doors for you there. Mercury will back up on the 18th in your eleventh house. You may find you have less time to socialize and may be a bit unclear as to how you want to spend your free time. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your fifth house of romance. It is a good time to allow what may have already started to come to fullness. If you are single spend time doing what you enjoy doing!

Leo...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your ninth house. You may want to learn something new that helps you expand your horizons. Marcury will back up in your career house causing some confusion there. Learning new things that support your career can help. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your forth house of home and family matters. Look at working from home or creating an environment at home that supports your career.

Virgo...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your eighth house of finance. Perhaps you are increasing your cash flow and allowing money to come to you from an outside source. Mercury will back up in you ninth house on the 18th. You may have a lack of clarity on legal matters. Be as optimistic as possible even if you can't see it all clearly yet. Mercury will go direct on May 11th giving you full clarity. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your third house of communication. Negotiate all matters carefully with Mercury Retrograde at this time.

Libra...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your partnership house. Allow for the possibility of a new partnership to show itself this month. Mercury backs up in your eighth house of finance on the 18th. Be sure not to make any big decisions in regards to money and investments until after May 11th. The Full Moon on the 28th focuses on money and assets. Perhaps a closer look at your cash flow is in order.

Scorpio...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your sixth house of day to day routines. You will be finding your daily schedule keeping you quite busy with new opportunities showing themselves. Mercury backs up in your seventh house of partnership. Careful of any confusion or misunderstandings with a partner from April 18th - May 11th. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your sign. This is a bit of a wild card so use this energy any way you wish! You may put your own needs ahead of the needs of others at this time.

Sagittarius...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your romance house. Allow yourself to spend time doing what you enjoy doing. Mercury backs up on the 18th in your sixth house of day to day routines. You may have some confusion with your daily schedule and may make some changes with how you spend your time and energy. Remember full clarity comes after May 11th when Mercury goes direct. The Full Moon on the 28th takes place in your twelveth house. You may be more introspective at this Full Moon, perhaps a retreat is in order.

Capricorn...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your forth house of home and family matters. You may move forward on a home related project. Mercury backs up in your fifth house of romance on the 18th. Be extra careful of confusion with a new romance until after May 11th. Your social life may be keeping you busy at the Full Moon on the 28th. It is a good time to accept invitations.

Aquarius...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your third house of communication. With Mercury Retrograde on the 18th it may be a good time to go back and revisit an old matter that has not yet been resolved. This may be with a family member or a home related issue. The Full Moon on the 28th puts your focus on career. Be ready to watch the seeds you already planted come to fruition.

Pisces...The New Moon on the 14th takes place in your second house of money and assets. Take a good look at your cash flow and look for new opportunities to show themselves. Mercury backs up in your third house of communication. Be sure to dot your I's and cross your T's until May 11th when Mercury goes direct. This is not a good time to sign any contracts and put off negotiations until next month. You may find yourself learning something new at the Full Moon on the 28th. Take in the information but put off decision making until next month.

by Tere Greenwald

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