
Your Monthly Horoscope For June 2010 by Tere Greenwald

Change is in the air for the month of June. We see a number of planets moving into the next sign. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, moves into the fiery sign of Aries on the 5th. There will be a desire to forge forward and blaze a new trail. Mars, the action planet, then moves into Virgo on the 7th. Mars has been in the sign of Leo for 7 months and we will now see a shift in how we take action and move forward. The planet that rules communication moves into the chatty sign of Gemini on the 10th, then into the emotional sign of Cancer on the 25th. Venus moves into Leo on the 14th placing an emphasis on romance and creativity.

The New Moon in the sign of Gemini on the 12th helps to lighten things up a bit and inspire creativity. The Summer Solstice arrives on June 21st with the Sun moving into the sign of Cancer. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th. Yes the eclipses are back and they reinforce the fact that change is inevitable. Life may move quickly around the time of an eclipse and they have up to a month to deliver their message.

Aries...Expansion and financial growth will increase with Jupiter moving into your sign on the 5th. Mars moving into Virgo on the 7th gives your day to day routines a boost. This will be a busy month for you. The New Moon on the 12th gives your communication skills some support. This is a good time for negotiations. The Full Moon on the 26th in Capricorn brings a career related matter to fullness. Remember to let the eclipse fully deliver its message before taking action.

Taurus...Romance and creativity get a boost with Mars moving into Virgo on the 6th. You may want to begin a new creative endeavor, make sure this has an element of fun and enjoyment to it. The New Moon on the 12th takes place in your 2nd house of money and assets opening new doors for you there. With mercury now in the same sign negotiations around money and cash flow are good. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your 9th house may bring a legal issue to completion. You may find yourself completing classes or taking a trip.

Gemini...Happy Birthday Gemini! The spotlight is on you as the month begins with the Sun in your sign. Your social life and networking house will get a boost with Jupiter moving into your 11th house on the 5th. Mars moving into Virgo on the 7th may have you putting energy into a home related or family project for most of the month. The New Moon in your sign on the 12th focuses on personal growth and fulfillment. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th brings a financial matter to fullness. This has to do with joint finances or monies you receive from an outside source.

Cancer...You will see career expansion for the next year as Jupiter moves into your 10th house on the 5th. The New Moon in Gemini on the 12th helps to inspire you within, it is a good time for a retreat. The Sun moves into your sign on the 21st putting a spotlight on you! The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 26th takes place in your partnership house. Someone may get eclipsed out at this time. This series of eclipses affect your sign and the sign of Capricorn the most. You are half way through this two year cycle with a New Moon Solar Eclipse to follow in Cancer on July 11th. This cycle brings about big change in your life and when it is complete you will look back and see yourself in a totally different place than where you were before this started, a better place !

Leo...Jupiter moving into Aries on the 5th helps to increase your optimism for the next year! You may want to learn something new and expand your horizons. Mars going into Virgo helps you take action on increasing your cash flow. Your social life may be keeping you busy with the New Moon on the 12th. You may want to expand your networking circle at this time. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th may have you changing your routines. Be open to letting go of what is no longer working for you.

Virgo...Jupiter moving into your 8th house on the 5th helps to expand your ability to get money from outside sources for the next year. This gives you good luck with negotiating financial matters. Mars moving into your sign on the 7th gives you the mojo you need now to take action and move forward. The New Moon on the 12th will open doors on career related matters. You might see an opportunity in an existing job show itself or a new opportunity in a totally different job appear. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th brings a creative or romantic issue to fullness. You may see an issue with a child come to completion.

Libra...Jupiter moves into your partnership house on the 5th. Allow yourself to form new alliances over the next year to help you expand and move forward. The New Moon on the 12th may have you planning a trip or wanting to learn something new. You are wanting to expand your horizons and increase your optimism, it is time to think big! The Full moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th has you dealing with a home or family issue. Let all the information be delivered then you will be ready to take action.

Scorpio...Your day to day routines expand as Jupiter moves into your 6th house on the 5th. Mars moving into Virgo on the 7th helps to support this. You may find your connections to people you know helps you to move forward with ease. The new Moon on the 12th helps you to negotiate financial matters and increase your ability to get money from outside sources. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is sure to deliver a message on the 26th. Let the dust settle before taking action because eclipses have up to a month to fully show themselves.

Sagittarius...Jupiter moving into Aries on the 5th gives your romance house a boost for the next year. You may find yourself doing more of what you enjoy doing. You may find yourself handling career related matters from the 7th on, so balance that with a bit of fun! The New Moon on the 12th focuses on partnerships and opens new doors for you there. Allow others to be of help and support to you at this time. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th brings a financial matter to completion. Let the eclipse fully deliver its message before taking action.

Capricorn...You may see expansion on the home front with Jupiter moving into your 4th house. Mars in Virgo on the 7th helps to increase your optimism. You may be planning a trip or look to learning something new. The New Moon on the12th keeps your day to day life busy and you may add something new to your routine. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 26th takes place in your sign and is symbolic of personal change and transformation. This eclipse will affect your sign the most. Put yourself first and be willing to let go of what you need to let go of to move forward.

Aquarius...Your ability to negotiate your finances will improve with Jupiter going into Aries on the 5th and Mars going into Virgo on the 7th. You may want to take action on the financial front using your power of persuasion. The New Moon on the 12th focuses on doing what you enjoy doing. Perhaps a new romance will begin or an existing one improve. Focus on creating the financial freedom you need to enjoy your life fully. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 26th may be more of a retreat time for you.

Pisces...Jupiter moves into your 2nd house of money and assets on the 5th. Let this work for you, financially this may bring you more money with less effort. With Mars going into your partnership house you may see others being of help to you now. Money may come from a partnership. The New Moon on the 12th focuses on a home or family mater. This may be a good time to begin a home project or set aside some time for family activities. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place in you 11th house of friendships. Someone may need to leave your circle at this time.

by Tere Greenwald

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