
Your Monthly Horoscope For May 2010 by Tere Greenwald

Enjoy Cinco de mayo but don't expect much deep emotional conversation.
Mercury, the planet that rules communication, is retrograde and the moon is in chilly Aquarius. Focus on fun and frolic and all will be well. Relationships may get a boost on the 7th so you may want to plan a date night to enjoy the positive vibe. Keep Mother's Day plans simple as no one will be in the mood to take on too much responsibility.

Mercury goes direct on the 11th so you will see a much clearer view of things beyond this date. Communications will flow more smoothly and you will see more clearly where you are in relation to where you want to be. We all look forward to Mercury going direct! The New Moon on the 13th in Taurus helps to give us all a boost emotionally. This will be a stabilizing factor in the month.

The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th inspiring creativity and diversity. The month ends with a Full Moon in Sagittarius, let freedom ring. Sagittarius is all about freedom and adventure, so keep your plans light at this time.

Aries...Finances will be the focus at the New Moon on 13th. With both Mercury and the New Moon in your second house of money you will look at your cash flow and how to increase it. You may see new doors opening for you there. The Full Moon in Sagittarius may inspire you to learn something new. This helps to increase your optimism as well, focus on the big picture not what is right in front of you!

Taurus...Happy Birthday Taurus! With so much planetary energy in your sign you can't help but get noticed. Enjoy the spot light! The Full Moon highlights your house of finance. This is a good time to allow yourself to receive from others.

Gemini...There is a lot going on in your internal world. Ideas may be bubbling just below the surface at the New Moon. The Sun enters your sign on the 20th giving you a much needed boost of energy. The Full Moon highlights partnerships, it is a good time to rely on others.

Cancer...Your friendship and social circle is highlighted at the New Moon on the 13th. Enjoy time interacting with others. The Full Moon on the 27th focuses on your day to day routines, perhaps some of them will be coming to an end. Focus on balancing work with play.

Leo...The New Moon on the 13th focuses on career maters. You may see new opportunities presenting themselves at this time. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 27th focuses on romance and fun. Perhaps an activity you planned comes to fruition, try to keep things light at this time.

Virgo...The New Moon on the 13th helps to increase your optimism. Expand your horizons at this time. It is also a good time to move forward with any legal matters. The Full Moon focuses on home and family matters. You may see a family situation begin to resolve itself or a home related project come to completion.

Libra...The New Moon on the 13th highlights your house of finance, you may see your ability to collect money from outside sources improve. The Full Moon on the 27th highlights communication. Make sure you are being heard at this time and that you say what you need to say.

Scorpio...The New Moon on the 13th focuses on partnerships. Allow others to be of help and support to you now. You don't have to do it all yourself! The Full Moon on the 27th brings a financial matter to fullness. Let it all reveal itself at this time, perhaps the seeds you already planted are now coming to fruition!

Sagittarius...The New Moon on the 13th focuses on your day to day routines or a health issue. You may want to make some modifications with how you are spending your time and energy. The Full Moon on the 27th is in your sign placing a focus on you. You may see the benefits of placing your needs ahead of the needs of others at this time.

Capricorn...The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your romance house. You may want to spend time doing what you enjoy doing and placing other responsibilities on the back burner. The Full Moon on the 27th takes place in your 12th house, inspiring you within. This may be a good time for retreat.

Aquarius...The New Moon on the 13th focuses on a home or family matter. You may see new opportunities to move forward on a home project or simply spend more time enjoying your home space. The Full Moon on the 27th has you seeking social time. You may find yourself with many invites at this time.

Pisces...The New Moon on the 13th takes place in your third house of communication. Perhaps it is time to address a specific issue that is still unresolved. Clarity is on your side with Mercury now in forward motion you should have a smooth go of it. The Full Moon on the 27th in your 10th house of career places a focus on your work efforts. You may bring a work related project to completion at this time.

by Tere Greenwald

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