The month begins with Mercury, the communication planet, entering the introspective sign of Pisces. Lets just say that your mind may wander to the deep end on current issues, just try not to get lost there! It becomes easier to move forward after March 11th with Mars, the action planet, going direct. Perhaps the new piscean perspective helps to gain an improved plan on how to move forward. The New Moon in Pisces on the 15th may offer you even more perspective as it conjuncts both Mercury and Uranus. Perhaps a new game plan is in order, Mars being direct now supports you taking action on these new ideas.
March 17th, St Patrick's Day, appears to be a good day for a celebration with both Venus and Mercury in the fire sign of Aries. You may want to try something new on this day, or celebrate with someone new! The sun enters the sign of Aries on the 20th which marks the Spring Equinox. The zodiac wheel begins again as Aries is the first sign on the wheel.
The month comes to a close with a Full Moon on the 29th in Libra. This is a heavy Full Moon with Saturn's presence in Libra as well. You may have to take responsibility for something at this time. Some type of conclusion on a matter may become very clear. Acceptance is important with this Full Moon, careful not to be too pushy!
Aries...The month begins with a number of planets in your 12th house, your internal world. You may find yourself mulling things over within and not yet ready to share them with others. The sun enters your sign on the 20th giving you a much needed boost of energy. The month ends with a Full Moon in your 7th house of partnerships. There maybe something with a partner that you now need to deal with and take responsibility for your part in this relationship.
Taurus...Your friendship house is highlighted for now. The New Moon in Pisces encourages you to expand your circle and allow the people you know to be of help now. You may become a bit more to yourself when the Sun goes into the sign of Aries on the 20th. Some down time maybe needed to bring your life into balance. Pay close attention to your health at the Full Moon on the 29th. Perhaps your day to day routines need to change in order to help improve your vitality.
Gemini...Your career is the focus as you begin this month. The New Moon on the 15th offers you more opportunities to expand your career. As the sun moves into the sign of Aries on the 20th you may find your social circle keeping you busy. More opportunities may come from who you know, so get out about! The Full Moon on the 29th highlights your romance house. This could be a good month for you to meet someone new!
Cancer...This is a good time for you to learn something new. If you are dealing with any legal matters you may see a good opportunity to move forward with this at the New Moon on the 15th. Your career house is highlighted on the 20th when the sun moves into the sign of Aries. A home or family matter may show itself at the Full Moon on the 29th. Perhaps you need to put your attention there and deal with the issue at hand.
Leo...Your focus may be on finances as you begin the month. The New Moon on the 15th helps to open need doors in regards to your ability to obtain money from outside sources. The Sun moves into the sign of Aries on the 20th putting a focus on learning something new. With Mars going direct in your sign this month you will be ready to start moving forward as you have been affected the most by Mars retrograde. You will find your energy and vitality improving throughout the month. The Full Moon on the 29th brings an important conversation you need to have to the forefront.
Virgo...The month begins with your focus on partnership. This can be both business and romantic partnerships. The New Moon in Pisces on the 15th highlights this even more. As the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on the 20th your focus is on finances. Perhaps your partnerships help to improve your financial picture. The Full Moon in Libra on the 29th again focuses on money and assets. You may need to take responsibly financially for the issue at hand.
Libra...Your focus is on your day to day routines as you begin the month. The New Moon on the 15th helps to support this and you may see new opportunities showing themselves. When the Sun moves into Aries on the 20th your focus shifts to partnerships. You may see a new partnership forming at this time or an existing one improving. The Full Moon on the 29th takes place in your sign. There may be a heaviness at this time for you and responsibilities may seem burdensome. Focus on ways you can lighten your load.
Scorpio...The focus is on your romance house as the month begins. You may find yourself doing more of what you enjoy doing as well. When the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on the 20th you may see your day to day routines keeping you busy. The Full Moon on the 29th takes place in your 12th house. You may find that you need to move forward on completing what has been left undone at this time.
Sagittarius...The focus for you may be on a home or family matter as you begin the month. The New Moon on the 15th helps things to move forward for you. Romance is highlighted for you when the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on the 20th. The Full Moon in Libra puts a heaviness on your friendship house. Careful not to take on others burdens or allow their wows to become yours. Take responsibility for what is yours to own and let the rest go.
Capricorn...The focus for you is on communication as the month begins. Use the energy of the New Moon on the 15th to help expand your connections to others. The focus is on home and family when the Sun moves into the sign of Aries on the 20th. You may want to retreat a bit at this time. The Full Moon places a focus on career on the 29th. You may need to put some extra energy into a work related project to bring it to completion.
Aquarius...The focus is on money and assets as you begin the month. The New Moon on the 15th may offer some new opportunities to increase your cash flow. Look towards all forms of media to help you expand on the 20th when the Sun moves into the sign of Aries.
The Full Moon on the 29th takes place in your ninth house, perhaps it is time to learn something new. This Full Moon may force the issue.
Pisces...The focus is on you as the month begins. There may be celebrations to attend in your honor, allow yourself to receive what you deserve now. The focus shifts to money and assets when the Sun goes into the sign of Aries on the 20th. The Full Moon in Libra on the 29th brings a financial matter to the forefront and requires your full attention.
by Tere Greenwald
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