
Your New Monthly Horoscope- December by Tere Greenwald

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 2nd may help you feel connected to what you are doing at the time. Keep your options open as you might want to exercise the right to change your mind. Gemini is the sign of the twins, if you don't like what you are feeling simply shift out of it and feel something else.

December 7th may be a good day to communicate a change you are thinking of making,
perhaps the clarity comes shining through on this day. A better day to take action and move forward is December 10th. The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 16th is a good day for a little adventure and fun. The positive trine Venus makes to Mars on the 17th suggests romance may be part of the plan, enjoy time with a loved one on this day.

December 20th has the potential to be a golden day for every sign.
Simply magical things can happen on this day and romance is in the air as well. The Winter Solstice on December 21st continues to add to this positive vibe.

As the Sun enters Capricorn the focus may shift to more practical matters and change is inevitable. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer on December 31st. This New Years Eve is definitely a time to focus on change and your intentions for the following year.

Make sure you do all your holiday shopping early this month because two key planets Mars, on December 20th, and Mercury, on December 26th, will retrograde. Any time a planet retrogrades the energy of that planet is weakened. As we get closer to the holidays there will be more confusion over what to buy and items you may purchase during or just before Mercury retrograde are more likely to break. Use the holiday time to embrace the natural slowdown we are all in for.

Communication is the focus for you at the December 2nd Full Moon. It will be a good time to express yourself and pay close attention to how you are being perceived by others. The New Moon on December 16th offers you the opportunity to expand your horizons and possibly learn something new or plan a trip. This should involve doing what you love or traveling with a loved one. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your forth house. You will be forced to deal with a home or family matter at this time.

Taurus...A financial matter comes to the forefront on the December 2nd Full Moon. Make sure you look at all of your financial obligations and decide if you want to make any changes there. The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 16th opens new doors for you in your ability to get money from an outside source. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your third house of communication. Perhaps it is time for you to ask for what you need from others.

The Full Moon on December 2nd is in your sign, which affects you on a more personal level. Self love is key to any healthy relationship. You will see new doors opening for you in your partnership house on December 16th. This New Moon signals a new lunar cycle, remember to be what you want to attract into your life. Financial changes are inevitable at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on December 31. It is a good time to get your finances in order.

The December 2nd Full Moon takes place in your internal world, consider this an aha time within. You will begin to want to share this more with others as the month progresses. You may see changes in your day to day routines on December 16th, most likely you already saw this coming. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign. The ability to make big changes on a personal level is available to you at this time.

Leo...The Full Moon on December 2nd may have you enjoying time with friends. It is a good time to be out meeting new people and connecting to old friends. The New Moon on December 16th offers you the opportunity to begin a new romance. You will find yourself doing more of what you enjoy doing. The year ends with a focus on your internal world. You may be in for more of a quiet New Years celebration as inspiration bubbles deep within you.

The Full Moon on December 2nd takes place in you career house. You will see the seeds you have planted now coming to fruition. The December 16th New Moon takes place in your fourth house. This will begin a new lunar cycle with the focus on the home front. It will be a good time to get into the holiday spirit and decorate. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on December 31 in your friendship house. It is possible for a friend to get eclipsed out to make room for new people coming into your life in the very near future.

This December 2nd Full Moon will encourage you to expand your horizons. Maybe you will be learning something new or planning a trip. There will be a focus on communication at the December 16th New Moon in Sagittarius. You will be wanting to express yourself fully and those around you may be surprised by how outspoken you have become! The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your career house. You can expect big changes on the career front as you see yourself letting go of what is no longer working for you and moving towards what does work for you now.

The December 2nd Full Moon takes place in your eighth house of finances. A financial matter that you have been working on begins to come to completion at this time. The December 16th New Moon takes place in your second house of money and assets. You may see new doors opening with your ability to increase your cash flow. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in your ninth house allowing you to let go of any old limiting beliefs. You will want to wipe the slate clean and be open to a more expansive view of your life.

The December 2nd Full Moon takes place in your seventh house of partnerships. A relationship issue comes to fullness at this time as you find that it has fully showed itself to you. The December 16th New Moon takes place in your sign allowing you to place your personal needs first and begin a new cycle with this now being your priority. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your eighth house of finances. You will focus on getting your finances in order as you begin the new year and tackle what has become obvious for you to deal with.

The December 2nd Full Moon takes place in your sixth house of routines. You will see the seeds you have planted come to fruition and a new routine in place to support this. The New Moon on December 16th takes place in your twelfth house, your internal world. You may find yourself tying up loose ends and completing tasks that were left undone. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your seventh house of partnerships. You will have clarity on a relationship or business partnership and may find that someone suddenly is eclipsed out of your life.

The December 2nd Full Moon takes place in your fifth house of romance and children. You may see an issue coming to fullness that began a few weeks ago. The December 16th New Moon opens new doors in your friendship circle. This would be a good time to socialize and enjoy the holiday festivities. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sixth house of routines. Perhaps some of your old routines will get eclipsed out making room for new activities in the coming year.

Pisces..The Full Moon on December 2nd brings a home or family matter to fullness. This may be as simple as completing your holiday decorating. The New Moon on December 16th opens new doors with career. You will see opportunities present themselves in this part of your life creating a fast pace for you at work. The month ends with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your fifth house. You may find that there is little time or energy to do some of the things you use to enjoy doing. Simply let go of the old to make room for the new to reveal itself to you.

Tere Greenwald, Intuitive Astrologer, www.myastrosign.com Tx Tere

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Comment by Barbara Gail on December 1, 2009 at 2:24pm
This is excellent! I'm so pleased to see this new addition to WQ Mag, and look forward to future ones. This is the kind of astrological forecast that I get excited about.




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