
That Will Put You Debt

Shopping is a national past time in America. When Americans get a few extra dollars and a little free time, they head to the local mall for a stimulating afternoon of wishing, dreaming, admiring, and buying. After a brief stop at the food court for a Cinnabon, they make the trek back home laden down with packages and credit card receipts. Unfortunately, all of those purchases that seemed so essential at the time can translate into debt over time. Yes, unbridled shopping can lead to serious financial problems if left unchecked. Americans seem to have picked up some rather questionable shopping habits. What are the bad shopping habits that have led Americans into unnecessary debt?

Buying because it’s on sale:

American shoppers can’t resist a good sale and can smell a bargain a mile off. Unfortunately, it isn’t a bargain when you don’t need it. How many times have you lugged home a package of items from the mall that you couldn’t resist because they were on sale? Never mind that you already have a closet full of Hilfiger jeans and you didn’t need that automatic rice cooker marked down thirty percent when you haven’t eaten rice in ten years. Sometimes emotions overcome even the best of shoppers when that brightly colored sale sign gets posted.

Shopping on an empty stomach:

This mainly applies to grocery shopping but can also be a problem if you’re shopping in a mall with a food court. If your last meal was a salad and you ate it hours ago, even the most insignificant food is going to take on new importance. When you catch the aroma of those soft pretzels receiving a final coating of hot butter, you’re going to be tempted to pull out your pocketbook as well as blow your healthy eating plan. Likewise, you’re going to fill that grocery cart a little fuller and add thirty percent to your bill if you grocery shop when you’re starving.

Shopping when you’re depressed or anxious:

Some people use shopping as a way to avoid thinking about unfavorable circumstances in their life. This is recipe for overspending and eventual debt. If shopping serves as your outlet for stress relief, it can be less costly to take up yoga or meditation. You can also take a long walk and marvel at the perfect artwork nature gives you absolutely free of charge.

Shopping without a plan or a list:

If you want to preserve your hard earned money, never hit the malls without a detailed plan and list of what you want to buy. When you make your list, be as specific as possible. Don’t write down “new blouse” on your shopping list. It’s too open ended. Write down “red silk blouse to go with black and red pants”. Force yourself to stick to your list when shopping. The object is to buy those items that you really need, not to discover all the things you didn’t know you needed.

Getting upsold:

When you go to your local electronics store to make a major purchase, you’re inevitably going to talk to a well trained sales person. These sales people are masters of the upsell. You may have entered the store with the intention of buying an inexpensive digital camera in the $200.00 range for home use. Instead, you end up with the deluxe digital SLR camera with all the latest features for a cool $1200. Plus, they ended up selling you the overpriced service plan. Educate yourself before you enter the store to make a major purchase and know exactly what features you’re looking for. Ignore the attempts of the sales person to upsell you. Don’t let bad shopping habits put you into debt. Make sure your shopping trips are well timed and well planned.

By Dr. Kristie

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