May Be Cheating
If a partner is being unfaithful, he or she will often unwittingly leave behind clues that confirm this. Many of these will be glaringly obvious clues that immediately arouse your suspicion, while others can be explained more logically. There are no definite signs as to whether or not your partner is cheating on you, but some signs crop up time and time again. What type of signs should you be regarding as suspicious?
Taking A Sudden Interest In Their Appearance
Experts suggest that this is one of the classic indications of an affair, especially for men. Men who have recently embarked on an affair will often spend more time than usual on their appearance to appear desirable to their new lover. Joining a gym and making a regular effort to work out is another classic sign.
Computer Usage
Generally speaking, if your partner suddenly begins to spend more time on the computer, he or she may well been communicating with another lover. This is especially true if the computer usage occurs at times when you are likely to be out of the house or still asleep. In today's modern world, an individual can still be unfaithful without actually leaving the house as a result of Internet dating websites. Your partner may delete their browsing history so that you cannot see the Internet pages that he or she has accessed. This is suspicious, as it strongly suggests that he or she does not want you to know what they are doing while they are online.
Setting up a brand new email address can be a sign that your partner has something to hide from you. It is especially suspicious if he or she fails to mention that this email address exists and goes out of his or her way to keep it secret from you.
Telephone Usage
Likewise, he or she may secretly buy a new telephone so that messages from their lover can be received and exchanged without you seeing them. This is especially worrying if you are not given the number to the new telephone, as it effectively confirms the fact that it is intended to be a secret.
Alternatively, a cheating partner may choose to keep their regular telephone to avoid creating too much suspicion. However, he or she is likely to make a point of deleting all incoming calls and text messages to get rid of any evidence of an affair. The keypad may also be locked so that you cannot access the telephone records in the first place unless you have the correct PIN to unlock it.
If your partner has a tendency to talk quietly in hushed tones during certain telephone conversations or hurriedly ends calls when you come into a room, it is likely that they are having a conversation that they do not want you to overhear.
Working "Overtime" and Business Trips
This is a classic excuse that cheating partners often use to justify the amount of time that they are spending away from home. If you suspect that it is not strictly true, take a look at your partner's pay slips or bank statements. This will confirm or deny the existence of any extra income that would come in as a result of having worked overtime. Unfaithful partners often claim to be going on business trips to excuse their absences, especially if using overtime is not a feasible excuse.
There are a wide range of signs that can indicate whether your partner is being unfaithful. While a cheating partner may not demonstrate any of these common signs of cheating, it is very likely that he or she will give themselves away in some respect.