
Tips For Fundraisers, Non-Profits and Charities

Tell Your Donors...

The 10 Reasons To Give Away Money

Raising money during a recession is tough. Non-profits & Charity organizations have to work twice as hard to get donations. One basic fundraising rule is to tell potential donors what's in it for them. It sounds strange that charities need to appeal to donor's sense of self-interest rather than to their sense of charity, but that's what they do when times are tough, albeit subtly, so as not to suggest that donors are selfish. Some people do believe that we can give only out of selfish motives.

So, for those who might want to give but need a few selfish motives...
Here are 10 great benefits to giving away some money:

You get recognition.

Most people like to see their names in print. When you make a donation to a non-profit that lists its donors in newsletters or annual reports, you can see your name in print. Your peers may also see your name and think, "Wow" What a generous person!

It's good for business.

If you are a small business owner, non-profits will often give you publicity in exchange for a donation. Even if you work for someone else and are making personal gifts, donations help build stronger communities, and members of strong communities are more likely to have the money and the desire to support businesses.

You can feel good about yourself.

Few people can see the results of their own good deeds without feeling at least a few warm, fuzzy feelings. Most non-profit organizations will send you newsletters that tell you what they are doing with the money they have received; reading these stories can make you feel like you really helped someone else.

You can feel like you've done your duty.

While donations of both time and money are valuable to the organization and to the person who gives them, you might feel less obligated to volunteer your time if you make a donation. Financial donations can help ease your perceived debt to society, particularly if you have more money than time to give. Put another way, financial donations allow you to support others who do the work on your behalf. It's like hiring someone to do the things you know you should do if you only had the time. In less selfish terms, for those who truly enjoy volunteering, you can't save the world alone, simply because people with needs live all over the globe, and you can only be in one place at a time. No matter where you are, your money can help people in many places at once.

You can better appreciate what you have.

It's so commonly quoted that it's clichÈ, but seeing someone without feet really does make you appreciate your own, even if you don't have any shoes. No matter what your circumstances, you can find someone whose need is greater than your own in at least one area of your life, and helping someone in need can help you feel better about what you have.

Budgeting for donations forces you to better manage the rest of your money.
Some studies have shown that students who are involved in extra-curricular activities get better grades because they manage their time better and are able to accomplish more in their spare time than those who are not involved in structured activities. The same principle can apply with money ñ if you commit part of your time or money to something other than yourself, you are better able to use your remaining resources well.

You can decide where your money goes.

When you give to charity, you can select organizations that share your beliefs both about where the most urgent needs are and how those needs should be met. In contrast, your taxes might go to government programs you see either as ineffective or unnecessary. (Occasionally, your tax dollars might even support causes to which you are completely opposed.)

You can help reduce taxes by reducing dependency on the government.

No, it doesn't always work this way. (Maybe it never does.) However, in theory, when you support non-profits that have found effective ways to help others out of poverty, through disasters, or in emergencies, you can help the people those charities serve avoid depending on the government for help. When fewer people need government aid, less tax money is necessary, so voluntary donations to private organizations should help lower your taxes. In reality, the tax money is probably diverted elsewhere, but maybe it will go to something that benefits you directly, such as improved roads or more new books in the library.

You might benefit directly from the organization's services.
Readers might see library donations as a subscription fee. A donation to the library can save you money on books, and your donation can help keep them in business. If you are not a reader but you use the services of any organization that relies on donations, such as the YMCA, PBS, a volunteer fire company ñ or even your place of worship ñ consider how your donation might help that organization help you.

You can take a tax deduction
This benefit is often cited in charity appeals, perhaps because it is one of the more tangible rewards of giving. However, tax deductions only apply for those who itemize deductions, and by themselves, they are a poor reason to give. Additional tax benefits exist for particular types of gifts, such as stocks, but once again, these benefits are just a bonus for giving.

The next time you receive a request for a donation to charity and you think, "What's in it for me?" answer your own question.

The benefits of giving are more than what you might have previously thought.

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I have Complimentary Charity Certificates worth $400.00 each if you would like to post a place where people can donate items and charities can obtain them that might be a option to help charities...

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