at your next dinner party
Do you ever feel at a loss on what to say at a dinner party? If words fail you at social events, you're not alone. Many people feel uneasy when they're under pressure to make conversation with strangers. The good news is you can greatly enhance your ability to make interesting dinner party talk by following a few simple tips. Here are some easy ways to make fascinating dinner party conversation:
Don't be egocentric.
When you get down to it, most people don't want to hear monotonous details about you, your children, and your pets. People are, by nature, egocentric and are interested in discussing issues that affect them directly. Resist the urge to talk about how your youngest son is playing soccer this year or how your extremely intelligent Chihuahua is graduating from obedience school next week. Your dinner guests will probably listen to be polite but will avoid striking up a conversation with you in the future.
Ask questions.
People love to talk about themselves. If you're uncomfortable making dinner party talk, take the focus off of yourself by asking the other person questions. Ask about their career and their hobbies. Even if this is all you do, the person you're talking to will walk away from the party thinking you're charming.
Bone up on the bestseller list.
Go to and look up the top three best sellers on the nonfiction and fiction list. No, you don't need to buy the books or even read them for that matter. Peruse the Amazon reviews to get a feel for what the books are about. When making dinner party talk, ask the guests if they've read one of the books. You'll be able to contribute to the conversation since you've read the reviews. By the end of the party, people will think you're extremely erudite.
Talk about travel.
This is a nice, uncontroversial topic that interests most people. Find out where the people around you have traveled and what they enjoyed most about their trips. Talk about your own travels but avoid giving unappetizing details such as how your four year old became carsick on your last trip to Disney World. This is a great way to find out about interesting travel spots for your next vacation.
Avoid controversial topics.
You already know what they are. Religion, politics, and sex. No matter how articulately you express your opinions, you're not going to change anyone's mind. You'll only antagonize them and they'll avoid you like the plaque at the next dinner party. If the conversation turns to one of these topics, listen and refrain from giving your opinion unless you happen to agree with the stated beliefs.
Dinner party talk doesn't have to be burdensome or scary. Give these talk techniques a try and you may actually enjoy your next party.
Kristi Leong