
Here Are 8 Tips

Breast cancer strikes fear into the hearts of many women and it sometimes seems as if you have little control over your risk factors of contracting this common cancer. Would it surprise you to learn that there are simple steps you can take for breast cancer prevention?

Although there is no definitive way to ensure that you’ll never be a victim of breast cancer, there are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk. Here are some simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting this common form of cancer.

1. Add more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your diet.
These foods are rich in antioxidants which help to prevent cell damage associated with cancer development. Particularly effective is the daily intake of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower which are rich in cancer preventative substances called indole-3-carbinols..

2. Reduce your intake of red meats, particularly those that are grilled or cooked to high temperatures.
Meats cooked to high temperatures produce potent carcinogens known as HCA's. Studies have shown that women who eat well done meat which are rich in HCA’s have a higher risk of breast cancer.

3. Get aerobic exercise on a daily basis.
This can be as simple as a 20-30 minute walk to up to 4 times per week. Women who exercise on a regular basis have been shown to have up to a 50% reduction in breast cancer risk.

4. Cut back on alcohol or avoid it entirely.

Women who consume at least one drink a day have been shown in some studies to have a 10-20 percent increased risk of developing breast cancer.

5. Maintain a stable weight throughout your life.
Studies have shown that women who gain more than 20 pounds after the age of 18 have a higher risk of breast cancer.

6. Eat organic foods when possible.

Some of the pesticides found on conventionally grown produce closely resemble estrogen in composition. Women who have higher levels of these pesticides in their breast tissue have been shown to have a higher risk of breast cancer.

7. Avoid use of unnecessary antibiotics.

Recent studies have shown a correlation between the long term or frequent use of antibiotics and the risk of developing breast cancer. Although more studies are needed to confirm this, caution is recommended.

8. Consume a low fat, high nutrient diet.

Several studies have shown a slight decrease in breast cancer risk in women who follow a low fat diet. Women with established breast cancer have also been shown to have a reduced risk of recurrence when following a low fat diet. Again, more research is needed in this area.

These are eight simple steps you can take on a daily basis for breast cancer prevention. If you follow these steps consistently, you will not only reduce your risk of contracting breast cancer but will reap the benefits of a healthier mind and body. Now, it’s up to you!

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This is good advice, not only for the prevention of breast cancer, but for many other diseases too.

Did you know that breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women.

It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer.

Florida ranks fourth in the nation for the number of new cases from breast cancer (2007)

The good news is that breast cancer death rates are decreasing largely due to early detection and newer, better treatments.

The earliest sign of breast cancer is usually detected on a mammogram before it can be felt by a woman or health care provider.

Women should know how their breasts normally feel and report any breast change promptly to their health care provider.

Yearly mammograms are recommeneded for women starting at age 40. The age to stop depends on the individual person and their risk factors.

Dollars For Mammograms, Inc. is a non profit 501(C)(3) public foundation established solely for the purpose of providing no cost mammograms to area women who are uninsured or under insured and cannot afford the cost of a mammogram. For specific application requirements and details, or any question that you may have, please visit our website at www.dollarsformammograms.org.

Rita Bertler, President
Dollars For Mammograms, Inc.

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