Create Nature Inside
Stress can sometimes be overwhelming. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bit of nature in your home or office to help relieve your stress? A tiny terrarium may be the answer. A small terrarium can be quite easy to build and will bring many hours of enjoyment and stress relief.
To build your terrarium, you’ll need a small-sized container which can be a goblet, small jar, or a small glass fishbowl. You’ll need to be able to cover the opening of your container with an appropriate lid. If you can't find a suitable lid, you can always cover your tiny terrarium with another glass dish. Here's how to build your tiny terrarium quickly and easily:
1. Layer sheets of moss along the bottom floor of your glass container. Use a long stick to gently flatten the sheets of moss against the container floor.
2. Cover the layer of moss with a layer of fine gravel. This layer is to ensure proper drainage. It will keep the soil layer from becoming over-saturated with water. You can usually find fine gravel at your local gardening supply shop or craft store. Move the gravel around with your stick until it's evenly distributed across the floor of your terrarium.
3. Add another thin layer of moss on top of your gravel to prevent soil from seeping down into your gravel layer.
4. Carefully pour a layer of terrarium soil on top of the gravel layer. You can purchase this at your local gardening supply store. Be sure not to add fertilizer as this can cause the plants to overgrow their space very quickly.
5. Choose tiny plants that have similar requirements as far as light and water requirements. If you choose plants with different growth requirements, your terrarium will be impossible to maintain.
6. After choosing your plants, carefully drop them in to the container.
7. Use your stick to dig small holes for the plants and gently push them into the holes until they're secure. Don't crowd the plants. Give them plenty of room to grow and flourish.
8. When the plants are in place, lightly moisten the soil. Don't over water your terrarium.
9. Cover your new tiny terrarium with a lid or another glass dish.
To care for your new terrarium, always watch the sides of its container for the appearance of condensation. There should be a light mist of moisture on the glass. If large water droplets appear, keep the lid open until it evaporates. You should only need to water your terrarium once a week. Over watering can be a problem, since there's no way for the excessive water to drain out of the container.
Now you can find a suitable place to display your new terrarium. Enjoy!
by Dr. Kristie