That Can Bring Your Family Closer
As life becomes more busy and chaotic, it becomes increasingly more important for families to spend time together. One of the best times for families to congregate and enjoy one another’s company is at the dinner table. Families that eat dinner together create happy, well adjusted kids and teenagers.
Sharing dinner together also helps to open up the lines of communication that are so critical to the health and well being of the family unit. One way to make family dinner more entertaining and relaxing is to play family dinner games. Kids between the ages of six and twelve, particularly, will enjoy the challenges of taking part in these games with the grown-ups. Plus, they just might learn something in the process. Here are some family dinner games to try at your house:
Finish the story
Have someone start by making up the first line of story. The next person then adds to the story and it continues around the table until everyone is laughing too hard to eat. This silly game also promotes creativity.
Who would you invite to dinner?
If you want to sneak a little history into the evening meal, have each family member describe the person from history they’d most like to invite to dinner. Encourage each person to share what they know about that historical figure. This can form the basis for some lively conversation where everyone learns some history.
Where did it come from?
Most dinner tables have at least a few condiment bottles on the table. Have someone choose a bottle and encourage everyone in turn to guess which state the bottle came from. (which should be stamped on the bottle). The first person to pick the correct state then has the challenge of naming the capital of that particular state. This is a great way to subtly give kids a geography lesson and teach them their state capitals.
Make a list
Have someone start the game by naming an example of something such as the name of a color or a cooking utensil. Continue the game by going around the table having each person add to the list in turn. The last person who can’t add to the list is out and the game continues until there’s only one person left who’s declared the winner.
Learn about a new country
One night a week, prepare the traditional cuisine of another country. Have each family member do a little research about that particular country and present what they learned to the rest of the family at dinner while everyone enjoys the delicious food. This is also a good way to expand your kid’s culinary horizons.
Family dinner games are a great way to promote better communication between family members and it can be an excellent stress reliever for the entire family.
Why not try some family games at your house?