
Quick Tips On Conserving Water

Water is the basis for all life and it’s becoming an even more precious commodity as it becomes increasingly scarce and polluted with toxins. It’s predicted that water shortages will become even more widespread in the future and access to safe drinking water will be a problem for a significant proportion of the worldwide population. That’s why it’s so important to take simple steps to conserve water now.

Here are some simple tips on how to conserve water at home:

Toilet tips

Your toilet can be a significant source of water loss on a daily basis. To reduce water consumption, invest in a low flow toilet. You’ll be conserving water while saving money on your water bill. A low flow toilet uses around 1.6 gallons of water per flush compared to 3.5 gallons for a standard toilet. Make it a practice to check for toilet leaks on a regular basis. To do this, add food coloring to the toilet tank. If color appears in the toilet within the hour, you have a leak that needs to be repaired.

Bathing tips

Did you know a typical bath uses over forty gallons of water? Substitute short showers for a baths and use a showerhead in your shower that conserves water. By taking this small step, you can save up to 800 gallons of water per month. Restrict your showers to once per day and keep them five minutes or less in length.

Kitchen tips

Limit use of your dishwasher and use it only when it’s full. If you choose to wash dishes by hand, fill a basin with water for both washing and rinsing to limit the number of times you turn the faucet on and off. Keep drinking water in a container inside the refrigerator. This will cut down on the number of times you have to turn the faucet on to fill a glass to drink. Surprisingly, your garbage disposal requires a significant quantity of water to function properly. To avoid using it too frequently, dispose of food remnants in the trash can. Be aware of how many times you turn the kitchen faucet on and off during the day and take steps to limit that number. Train your family to understand the importance of water conservation in the kitchen.

Know how much water you’re using at home

A quick way to determine how much water you’re using in your home is to visit h2ouse.org. At this site, you can enter information on how much water you’re using on a daily basis. You’ll then receive a water budget which tells you how much water you should be using and how much money you could be saving on your water bill. This is a quick way to determine what changes you need to make to conserve more water in your house.

Water conservation at home starts with making small changes in how you use water on a daily basis. Even small changes can result in hundreds of gallons of water being conserved on a monthly basis which means you’re saving money and helping the planet. And that should give you a good feeling.

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