But Here Are 7 Steps You Can Take Today
When you feel inspired to make positive changes in your life, you might also experience a sense of urgency. The reality is that you cannot change everything today. An extreme makeover is better left for reality TV. Your best strategy is to make a series of changes to get your life back on track. These seven ideas can provide a feeling of instant accomplishment even as you plan how to put your life back together.
1. Stop procrastinating. There are errands, chores, and other tasks you can begin today. Completing one or more things you have been putting off will give you a sense of being less behind the eight ball when you wake up tomorrow. For example, you can sit down with your checkbook and write out payments for some bills. Drive them down to the post office and feel less stressed when you get home.
2. Call that family member or friend you have been meaning to call, but you have been too busy or too guilty since your last contact. Strained relationships are a potential source of anxiety in your life. Taking one step toward healing a troubled relationship with a phone call can help you feel better today.
3. Go to the bank and deposit money into your savings account. If you have been stashing cash, hurting for cash, or wasting money, the simple action of adding to your personal savings can help you to turn over a new leaf.
4. Write about your decision to change in a journal or make a list of the things you need to do to make incremental changes in your life. Self-actualization is empowering. By writing down important things you have resolved to do, you can release some nervous energy or anxiety you have been carrying around for awhile.
5. Talk about your new plans to improve your life with a special person. Just like a journal, another positive form of self-actualization is verbalizing your decision to someone you trust. This person can help you along the path of self-improvement by agreeing to periodically check your progress. For example, if weight loss is your resolution, ask your confidante to call you once a week to inquire how your new diet is coming along.
6. Spend some time in reflection. Your new inspiration for changing your life is great, but you can also reflect about how you got yourself into your current situation. You can also write down what prompted you to snap out of this situation. If you learn from recent experiences, you will be less likely to repeat these mistakes again.
7. Get rid of the garbage in your life. This suggestion can be taken literally or figuratively.For example, if you stock a lot of junk food at home and your new inspiration is to eat better and manage your overall health, you could take a giant garbage bag and throw away all of the junk food in your kitchen. Another idea is to end a toxic relationship. Depending on the situation, you might be able to break off an unhealthy relationship today.
On the path to bettering your life, you will have many chances to get your life gradually back to where you want it. Be sure to give yourself time because no amount of mental resolve will put your life back to normal overnight.
By Angela Baca