During 4th of July Festivities
During 4th of July festivities, more animals are lost than at any other time of the year. Loud noise from fireworks often frightens animals due to their heightened senses of hearing, and they become willing to do anything to escape the noise. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to ensure the comfort and protection of your pets while you enjoy the Holiday.
1. Don't bring your pet to a fireworks display. The "boom" of the fireworks sounds loud to the human ear. Imagine how loud it sounds to your dog, who can hear sounds up to three times louder than the human ear can even register.
2. Keep a collar and ID tag on your pet at all times. Make sure the tag contains legible and up-to-date information.
3. Keep your pet indoors in a cool, quiet room. Windows and shades should be closed. Often, the sound of soft music or the low rumble of a television will help to calm your pet. Remember to leave a light on for your pet as well.
4. Don't leave your pet outside in the yard on a leash or a chain. Many animals get tangled up in their attempts to flee and end up injuring themselves. Dogs often escape their yards and get lost.
5. If you find a lost pet, take it to your local animal shelter right away. The quicker you do this, the sooner the frantic owner will be reunited with his or her beloved pet.