To Looking Taller
Do you sometimes wish you were a few inches taller? While there are advantages to being short, being tall does carry some perks particularly when it comes to your pocketbook. A study showed that people who are taller earn on average $800 more per year than their shorter counterparts.
Interested in adding a little height? While you can’t change the height you were born with without growth hormone, you can give the illusion of being taller by using a few simple tricks. Here’s how to look tall without changing your height:
Watch your weight.
When you carry around extra weight, you’re going to appear shorter than you actually are. Make an effort to shed excess pounds with diet and exercise. You’ll appear taller, slimmer, and will look better in your clothes.
Wear shoes with reasonably high heels.
Shoes with a two to three inch heel will make you look taller without throwing off your natural lines. If you choose higher heels, you’ll have a tendency to look off balance and clumsy.
Add shoe lifts.
You can buy shoes lifts at several sites online. These are simply small platforms you slip into your shoe to add a little extra height. It may be a bit sneaky but is quite effective in boosting your stature.
Dress in a single color.
Don’t break your natural line by wearing two different colors on top and bottom. Dressing in a single color from head to foot creates an unbroken line which makes you look tall and slender. Be sure to wear shoes and hosiery in the same color as your clothing to keep the line long and lean.
Mind your posture.
If you slouch, you’re going to look shorter and heavier. Developing good posture takes a conscious effort. Focus on pulling your shoulders back and pulling your abdominal muscles in. Hold your head up high when you walk or stand. Focus on your posture several times a day until it becomes habit. You’ll look taller and will appear more confident.
Give your hair a lift.
Higher hairstyles visually add height.
Consider an upswept hair style or layer your hair to add volume at the crown. Do some gentle backcombing to create a modified version of big hair to draw the eye upwards.
Don’t wear unstructured clothing.
Loose, full clothing can visually subtract inches from your height. Tailor your clothes so they fit perfectly and conform to your body. This creates a leaner line which will make you look tall and slim.
Wear vertical stripes.
If you want to appear taller at work, wear a pair of dark pants with a vertical pinstripe. Vertical lines add the illusion of height. Choose clothing with vertical detailing and, by all means, stay away from horizontal stripes.
Elongate with accessories.
Long, thin dangle earrings and long necklaces make you look taller. Avoid getting overly fussy with accessories since this break up the vertical line of your body. Scarves, fussy collars, and overly detailed belts can also subtract height visually.
Have a “tall” attitude.
Carry yourself with confidence. This is one of the easiest ways to look taller and more in command. Lastly, think about all the short men and women who achieved great things throughout history. Never be limited by your height.
By Kristie Leong